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. 2022 Aug 19:1–23. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1007/s10551-022-05218-7

Table 3.

Construct measures

Fair employment practices
 Employees in this [unit] receive “equal pay for equal work.” 0.63
 This [unit] provides safe ways for employees to voice their grievances 0.64
 This [unit] invests in the development of all of its employees 0.67
 This [unit] has a fair promotion process 0.33
 The performance review process is fair in this [unit] 0.41
Managerial (Individual) consideration
 Gives personal attention to members who seem neglected 0.69
 Find out what I want and tries to help me get it 0.68
 Treats each subordinate individually 0.56
 Make me feel we can reach our goals without him/her if we have to 0.665
 I can share my personal thoughts/suggestions 0.68
 Provides clear and timely guidance for my work 0.69
Learning orientation
 I want to learn as much as possible from this job 0.66
 It is importance for me to understand the content of this job as thoroughly as possible 0.73
 I hope to have gained broader and deeper knowledge of this job 0.61
 I desire to completely master my job 0.54
 I prefer tasks that arouses my curiosity even if it is difficult for me to learn 0.52
 I prefer tasks that really challenges me so I can learn new things 0.48
Non-rank sensitive inclusion (psychological sense of community)
 When a co-worker is gone, [his or her] presence (not just the work [he or she] does) is dearly missed 0.52
 The general feeling around work is that close relationships with others are the best part of work life 0.55
 I confide my most personal matters with the people at work 0.48
 My relationships at work are very close, perhaps even intimate 0.64
 I am very fond of the people at work 0.44
Economic inclusion
 I have achieved economic independence 0.92
 I have obtained sufficient income for my living from this job 0.93
 I have obtained sufficient income to support my family 0.89
 I have a stable income by commission or monthly earning 0.88
Life satisfaction
 In most ways my life is close to my ideal 0.71
 The conditions of my life are excellent 0.85
 I am satisfied with my life 0.82
 So far I have gotten the important things I want in life 0.77
 If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing 0.65
 I am satisfied with my job 0.50

SFL squared multiple correlations