Fig. 3.
Characterization of 2D and 3D EVs using ExoView. a Tetraspanin antibodies-capture allows for the detection and identification of subpopulations according to the different tetraspanin compounds expressed on each particle (right positive stained, left IgG control). b Copy number of each type of particle from 2 and 3D cell culture counted and presented in a bar-graph with a tenfold increase on the Y-axis in BM 3D graph versus that of BM 2D (P < 0.05). c Concentration of each marker per milliliter of the extraction medium. d Fluorescence intensity per EV was measured for each channel. e Representative image of capture spot of colocalization. f Representative pie charts from a single chip that exhibits the percentage of total particles detected with either CD63 (blue), CD63 + CD9 (orange), CD 63 + CD81 (gray), or CD 63 + CD81 + CD9 (yellow) on different capture spots