Fig. 3. Vertical distributions and diel behavior of 15 elasmobranch species.
The hourly median depth distributions of 15 elasmobranch species determined from hourly median depths from each satellite-tagged individual within each species. Only species with >1000 days of depth time-series data were incorporated into this figure (fig. S3 shows a corresponding figure with all available species). Violin plots represent the full distribution of the data, with colors relating to family. Boxplots depict the lower quartile, upper quartile (and thus the interquartile range), and median within the data, with whiskers extending from the shallowest to the deepest depth observed within each species. Whiskers are capped to 1200 m to improve visual interpretation, with the maximum depths of species that exceed this threshold stated at the bottom of the whisker. Bars represent the estimated detection zones of aerial surveys (top 5 m; drone icon), scuba-diving surveys (top 50 m; diver icon), and longline fishing (top 250 m; fish and hook icon) used within this study. Pie charts represent the proportion of individuals within each species that primarily exhibited nDVM, rDVM, or no clear evidence of DVM (neutral) as determined by nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank tests applied to time-series data. Species are ordered by habitat type, moving from oceanic to transient to coastal species from left to right.