Summer Medical/Dental Education Program2,24
National summer enrichment program for college undergraduates from disadvantaged backgrounds that provides intensive preparation for medical or dental school.2,25
Provides courses in science, math, writing, and career development skills based on an individualized education plan.25
Medical school acceptance rate of 64% among undergraduate participants.2
Health Frontiers in Tijuana Undergraduate Internship Program41
14 consecutive. weekly, one-hour clinical shadowing engagements.
Integrates US undergraduate students longitudinally in a US-Mexico binational free clinic alongside their Mexican undergraduate peers.
Exposes undergraduate interns to clinicians with different health careers based on student’s area of interest or at the medical student-run free clinic.
Incorporates education on medical Spanish, conditions seen frequently in clinics, and barriers to healthcare.41
Six-week program that promotes socialization, education in science learning, acquisition of financial literacy, leveraging of mentorship and networks, and resilience
Sessions use lectures, dissection lab, clinical shadowing, workshops on writing skills, and workshops on professional development.42
Health Disparities Clinical Summer Research Fellowship Program47
Incorporates healthcare exposure with research.
Community organization that involves shadowing healthcare professionals, engaging in enrichment activities, and providing information on health-professions graduate school admissions, as well as preparing for the MCAT.