At day 10 after Nb infection single-cell transcriptome sequencing was performed on IL-4eGFP+CD4+ and IL-4eGFP−CD4+ cells from medLN and MLN of 4get mice. (A) Expression of key Th2 marker genes (Il4, Il13, Gata3, and Stat6) and Th1 marker Ifng for comparison. (B) UMAPs of all sequenced cells combined separately overlayed with cells of each condition as indicated. (C) Unsupervised clustering was performed and clusters are indicated on UMAP. Composition of each cluster according to conditions is given (medLN IL-4eGFP−, medLN IL-4eGFP+, MLN IL-4eGFP−, MLN-IL-4eGFP+). (D) Heatmap of top 10 upregulated genes for each cluster compared to all other cells. (E) IL-4eGFP+ cells were assigned to cluster identities of the MLN and lung sequencing run for comparison. Inferred cluster identities are indicated on UMAP. Sequencing was performed for medLN and MLN of two mice.