A.-D. Total infiltrating immune cell numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from WT and C265S mice treated with house dust mite allergens, measured by HEMAVENT 950 cytometry. (A) Total infiltrating white blood cells (WBC), (B) neutrophils, (C) lymphocytes, (D) eosinophils. Data is shown as mean±SD from samples from 3 mice. p<0.0001 for all panels A-D by one-way ANOVA; * p<0.005 vs corresponding WT treatment control, or † p<0.05 from corresponding naïve control, by Tukey test. E. Immunofluorescent staining for epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM, green) and myeloperoxidase (MPO, red), and merge for colocalization (yellow), in lung sections from WT and C265S mice treated with the indicated house dust mite allergens. Immune cell infiltration at sites of hyperplasia (visible as yellow) are prominent in allergen-treated WT mice, but largely absent from C265S mice. Confocal photos shown are representative of 4 individual mice assessed in each condition. F. Masson’s Trichrome staining in sections of lungs from WT and C265S mice treated with house dust mite allergens. Bronchial muscle thickening, epithelial hyperplasia and luminal occlusion are prominent in allergen-treated WT mice, but largely absent from C265S mice. Photos shown are representative of 4 individual mice assessed in each condition. G. H&E staining in sections of lungs from WT and C265S mice treated with house dust mite allergens. Epithelial hyperplasia, immune cell infiltration and luminal occlusion are prominent in allergen-treated WT mice, but largely absent from C265S mice. Photos shown are representative of 4 individual mice assessed in each condition.