Variability in spontaneous morphogenesis and mid-hindgut endoderm (MHE) spheroid production and detachment
(A) Schematic overview of existing protocol for HIO generation (Spence et al.).
(B) Representative images of morphogenesis at day 7 of differentiation of 4 hPSC lines to MHE (H1 hESCs, iPSC72_3, iPSC75_1, and iPSC285_1). The number of detached spheroids in each well is indicated in white. Scale bar, 1 mm. Inset: Increased magnification of boxed region showing stereotypical morphology of spont-spheroids.
(C) Four hPSC lines were simultaneously plated and differentiated to MHE. The number of detached spontaneously generated spheroids per well in each plate was quantified. Means ± SDs n = 8 wells, ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001.
(D) iPSC75_1 cells were differentiated to day 7 MHE. An image of the representative morphogenesis in each well was captured and the number of detached spontaneously arising spheroids was scored (indicated in white). Scale bar, 1 mm.