Fig. 6.
Correlation analyses of YAP1, FAPα, GZMB, and CD8a expression in human tumor biopsies. A T cell-mediated cytotoxicity on 3D NPC spheroids. PBMC-derived T cells were activated by stimulation with human rIL2 and Dynabeads magnetic beads coated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies. Activated T cells were added to 1-day NPC-TW06-GFP spheroids with an effect/target ratio of 3:1. Images were captured after 24 hours of T cell addition. The integrated GFP intensity of spheroids was calculated using ImageJ software (*p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001; Welch’s t test). B Representative IHC images of YAP1, FAPα, fibrotic intensity, GZMB, and CD8a in consecutive NPC tissue sections. Scale bar: 50 μm. C–F Correlation analyses based on IHC scores (Spearman’s correlation test). The correlations shown include those between YAP1 and GZMB (C), YAP1 and CD8a (D), FAPα and GZMB (E), and FAPα and CD8a (F). G–J Different levels of GZMB or CD8a in NPC tumors. Tumor samples were classified into two groups based on their YAP1 or FAPα score (score < 80 vs. score ≥ 80) detected in fibroblasts of tumor samples. GZMB score according to YAP1 expression (G). CD8a score according to YAP1 expression (H). GZMB score according to FAPα expression (I). CD8a score according to FAPα expression (J). p values were calculated using the Mann-Whitney U test. K Correlation analysis between the expression of YAP1 and immune regulatory molecules. Expression data were extracted from the TCGA head and neck squamous cell carcinoma RNA sequencing dataset. Spearman’s correlation test was used to calculate the correlation between the mRNA expression levels of two select genes