FIG. 3.
Hsp70Tm and sHspTm purification followed by SDS–12.5% PAGE. (A) Hsp70Tm purification. Lanes: 1, molecular weight markers; 2, induced E. coli total whole-cell extract; 3, soluble whole-cell extract; 4, heat-treated and clarified extracts; 5, final Ni2+ affinity-purified Hsp70Tm. (B) sHspTm purification. Lanes: 1, molecular weight markers; 2, induced E. coli total whole-cell extract; 3, total inclusion bodies; 4, renatured inclusion bodies; 5, final denaturing gel filtration-purified sHspTm. Numbers to the left of each gel represent molecular masses (in kilodaltons) of low-range protein markers (Bio-Rad).