Figure 1. (A) Phylogeny of centrarchid fishes with feeding mode (piscivory or non-piscivory) mapped onto the edges of the tree; (B) projection of the tree in (A) into a phenotypic trait space defined by different aspects of the mouth morphology in Centrarchidae; and (C) fitted one- and two-matrix evolutionary models.
The evolutionary covariance between relative gape width and buccal length is higher in piscivorous compared to non-piscivorous fishes, and this model fits significantly better than a model in which the evolutionary covariance is assumed to be equal for the two regimes. Note that although this analysis is similar to the one that accompanied Revell & Collar (2009), here we’ve used a slightly different set of taxa and a different mapping of regimes onto the phylogeny. The phylogenetic tree is modified from Near, Bolnick & Wainwright (2005).