Cell-scaffolds interaction. (A–D) FE-SEM images of MG-63 cell adhesion on the surface of (A,B) ADA-GEL and (C,D) PDA-coated ADA-GEL scaffolds after 2 days culture. (E–J) MG-63 cell staining with calcein-AM after (E,H) 2, (F,I) 4, and (G,J) 7 days culture on (E–G) ADA-GEL and (H–J) PDA-coated ADA-GEL scaffolds, indicating cell viability. (K) Proliferation of MG-63 cells on the scaffolds as a function of incubation time. (L) ALP activity of MG-63 cells on the scaffolds after 7 and 21 days of culture. (M–O) Osteoimage mineralization of (M) ADA-GEL and (N) PDA-coated ADA-GEL scaffolds and (O) related quantitive results after 21 days cell culture. Differences are considered considerably significant (***p < 0.001).