Functional |
Mobile |
Free moving e.g., some species vertically migrate into the sediments to acquire nutrients or through sediments to reach light |
Achnanthes, Amphora, Nitzschia
Tube-living colony |
Species that form tubes inside which frustules can move |
Amphipleura, Encyonema, Frustulia
Colonial |
Species are attached by spines, stalks, or mucilage at their poles |
Aulacoseira, Eunotia, Tabellaria
Non-colonial |
Species are not attached; can be floating or free-moving |
Achnanthes, Navicula sensu lato, Nitzschia
Filament colony |
Species linked by spines |
Aulacoseira, Skeletonema
Zig-zag colony |
Pennate species connected by mucilage at their neighbor poles |
Diatoma, Tabellaria
Stellate colony |
Pennate species connected by mucilage at their opposed poles |
Asterionella, Staurosira
Arbuscular colony |
Species produce stalks at either pole; stalks diverge from each diatom frustule to form branching colonies |
Cymbella, Rhoicosphenia
Rosette colony |
Species attached to substrate by a short stalk at one pole; colonies look fan-shaped |
Fragilaria, Ulnaria
Ribbon colony |
Species attached to one another either by interlocking spines or by mucilage excretions on their valve face, forming long, ribbon-like colonies |
Eunotia, Fragilaria, Staurosira
Pedunculate |
Species grows upright to substrate, attached by a mucilage pad or stalk |
Achnanthes, Gomphonema, Reimeria
Pad |
Species grows upright to substrate, attached by a mucilage pad |
Fragilaria, Karayevia, Ulnaria
Stalk |
Species produce a stalk that sticks to the substrate. The stalk can be simple that is linked to one cell or can be branching stalks linked to several cells |
Gomphonema, Psammothidium, Surirella
Adnate |
Species grows parallel to substrate, attached by their valve face |
Amphora, Cocconeis, Rhopalodia
Ecological guilds
High-profile |
Large species, or those that tend to form colonies such as filamentous, branched, chain-forming and tube-living |
Diatoma, Eunotia, Gomphonema
Low-profile |
Species of short stature, including prostrate, adnate, erect, and slow-moving species |
Achnanthidium Achnanthes, Amphora
Motile |
Fast-moving species |
Epithemia, Navicula sensu lato, Surirella
Planktic |
Solitary or colonial species that live in the water column or unattached to substrates |
Aulacoseira, Cyclotella, Stephanodiscus
Physiological N-fixers |
Atmospheric nitrogen-fixing species |
Epithemia, Rhopalodia