Fig. 5.
Comparison of gene co-expression network. a The diagram shows three comparisons, i.e., (1) between tissues within humans, (2) between tissues within cattle, and (3) within tissues between species. b Comparisons of corCor (measurement of gene co-expression conservation, details in “Methods”) among three groups. “****” represents the P < 0.0001 from one-side Student’s t test. c Comparisons of corCor in (3) across tissues. d The weighted gene co-expression network is constructed in human muscle using WGCNA package (“Methods”). Color represents gene co-expression module. Gene clustering is also visualized through t-SNE method. Each dot in the t-SNE plot represents a gene. e Similar with d, but the weighted gene co-expression network is constructed in cattle muscle. Genes in the cattle network are assigned same color as they in human modules to reflect the extent of module conservation between species. f Bar plot shows correlation of gene connectivity (measuring the conservation of gene co-expression module) between humans and cattle across human co-expression modules. g The top significantly (FDR<0.05) enriched Gene Ontology terms for genes in most conserved module (left) and most diverged module (right)