Figure 3.
Integration of MSI and histopathology. (A) Principal component analysis (PCA) score image of the fifth principal component (PC5) shows the variance of correlated spatially-resolved lipid masses from a d14 L. donovani - infected mouse liver. (B) Post MALDI-MSI H&E staining of the tissue allows the histopathological annotation of granulomas. (C) Co-registration of the H&E-stained and the PC5 image reveals that lipid masses, correlated with the bright green regions, overlap with observed granulomas. Only a selection of granulomas are highlighted (D) Top 20 positive and negative loadings from the PC5 images, which represent the correlated lipid masses to the bright green (positive loadings) and dark green (negative loadings) regions. (E) Overlaid image of the spatial distribution of the relative abundance of m/z 786.6 (highlighted in yellow in D) and m/z 1448.1 (highlighted in blue in D).