Table 1. Studies on interventions in the intestinal microbiota of Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats.
Reference | Procedure | Study length | Final age | Body weight | Main findings |
Qiao et al., 2018 (64) | Supplementation with Paenibacillus bovis sp. nov. BD3526 | 8 weeks | 21 weeks old | ↓ | ↓ HbA1C; ↑ microbiota diversity at weeks 2 and 3, which was restored after 6 weeks; ↔ SCFA-producing bacteria. |
Zhao et al., 2018 (65) | HFD and liraglutide injection | 8 weeks of HFD and 12 weeks of injection | 24 weeks old | ↓ | Improvement of glucose and lipid metabolism; ↑ intestinal microbiota abundance and diversity. |
Zhang et al., 2019 (66) | Supplementation with Extract of Ice Plant (IPE) | 8 weeks | 17 weeks old | ↓ | Improved glycemic control, pancreatic islet morphology, beta-cell survival, insulin secretion and composition of intestinal microbiota; ↓ glycated serum proteins; ↓ HOMA-IR. |
Zhao et al., 2019 (67) | Supplementation with Chinese herbal formula Shenzhu Tiaopi Granule | 8 weeks | 17 weeks old | ↓ | ↓ Total cholesterol; changes in microbiota by enrichment of Proteobacteria. |
Zhao et al., 2020 (68) | Supplementation with sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota polysaccharide (HLP) | 4 weeks | 23 weeks old | ↔ | Improved glycemic control and lipid levels; ↓ serum insulin, adiponectin, and abnormal insulin signaling, and apoptosis-related molecules; ↑ serum leptin and GLP-1 and insulin signaling and anti-apoptotic genes; ↑ SCFA-producing bacteria and ↓ opportunistic pathogenic bacteria in GK feces; ↑ doses of HLP eliminated damage to the pancreas and colon of diabetic rats. |
Péan et al., 2020 (26) | Vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) and transfer of the intestinal microbiota | 13 weeks | 29 weeks old | ↔ | Enrichment of Prevotella copri improved glucose and bile acid metabolism. |
Yu et al., 2020 (60) | Single-anastomosis duodenal jejunal bypass (DJB-sa) | 8 weeks | 21 weeks old | ↔ | Improved glycemic control; ↓ fasting serum insulin; ↑ GPL-1, SCFA receptors and SCFA-producing bacteria. |
Tan et al., 2021 (69) | Modified jejunoileal bypass (SSJIBL) | 6 weeks | 14 weeks old | ↓ | Improved glycemic control. ↓ serum lipids, FFAs and liver injury markers; ↑ GLP-1, TNF-α, IL-6, insulin expression, and proliferation marker. ↑ Firmicutes and Proteobacteria and ↓ of Bacteroidetes in GK feces after surgery. |
Zhao et al., 2021 (70) | Supplementation with berberine | 8 weeks | 15 weeks old | ↔ | ↑ GLP-1 and ↓ HOMA-IR; improvement of pancreatic islet morphology. |
↓: decreased; ↑: increased; ↔: no change; HbA1C: glycated hemoglobin; SCFA: short-chain fatty acid; HFD: high-fat diet; IPE: ice plant extract; HOMA-IR: homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance; HLP: Holothuria leucospilota polysaccharide; GLP-1: glucagon-like peptide 1; GK: Goto-Kakizaki; VSG: vertical sleeve gastrectomy; DJB-sa: single-anastomosis duodenal jejunal bypass; SSJIBL: modified jejunoileal bypass; FFA: free fatty acid; TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-alpha; IL-6: interleukin 6.