Table 1.
Comparison of Guideline Recommendations for Human Herpesvirus 6B DNA Monitoring and Therapy
Population | ECIL, 2019 | JSHCT, 2019 | ASTCT, 2021 |
Allogeneic SCT | Allogeneic SCTa | CBTb | |
Accepted risk factors for HHV-6B encephalitis | CBT, T-cell depleted allografts, unrelated donor or mismatched donor, aGVHD grades II–IV, glucocorticoid therapy | CBT, male sex, unrelated donor or mismatched donor, corticosteroid therapy, pre-engraftment syndrome, engraftment syndrome, aGVHD | Not discussed |
Potential risk factors for HHV-6B encephalitis | Haploidentical transplant, pre-engraftment syndrome | Haploidentical transplant | Not discussed |
When to test for ciHHV-6 | No indication for routine testing; consider if unclear | 1–10 × 106 copies/mL in whole blood or persistent DNA in plasma or serum (strong) | >105 copies/mL in whole blood or viremia unresponsive to therapy |
Treatment |
Not discussed |
Duration of therapy | At least 3 weeks with clearance of DNA from blood and, if possible, CSF (CIII) | At least 3 weeks with clearance of DNA from blood and, if possible, CSF (weak) | Not discussed |
Prospective monitoring | Not recommended (DIIu) | Not recommended (weak) | Can be considered, no evidence to support; alternatively, as clinically indicated |
Prophylactic therapy | Not recommended (DIIu) | Not recommended (weak) | Not recommended |
Preemptive therapy | Not recommended (DIIu) | No recommendation No benefit to predict or prevent HHV-6B encephalitis |
Can consider for high-level viremia Note no established threshold or evidence to support rolec |
Notes | No recommendation for treatment of end-organ disease outside of encephalitis (insufficient data) | Can consider biweekly monitoring during weeks 2–6 after CBT (expert opinion), but not for use for preemptive therapy | Note some centers prospectively monitor to day 60, but no evidence to support |
Abbreviations: aGVHD, acute graft-vs-host disease; AIIu, Strongly supports a recommendation for use, based on evidence from at least one uncontrolled trial or from cohort- or case-control analytic studies; ASTCT, American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy; CIII, Marginally supports a recommendation for use, expert opinion; CBT, cord blood transplant; ciHHV-6, chromosomally integrated human herpesvirus 6; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DIIu, Supports a recommendation against use, based on evidence from at least one uncontrolled trial or from cohort- or case-control analytic studies; ECIL, European Conference on Infections in Leukaemia; HHV-6B, human herpesvirus 6B; JSHCT, Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation; q8h, every 8 hours; q12h, every 12 hours; SCT, stem cell transplant.
Specific to HHV-6B encephalitis.
Guideline for infection prophylaxis after CBT, not specific to HHV-6B.
Refers to ECIL guideline for preemptive therapy, which explicitly recommends against preemptive therapy.