Table 4:
Women’s Concerns about Family Stress: Employment,Work Arrangements, and Financial Worries, Ordered Probit
All Observations |
Employed |
Characteristics | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) |
Employment status | ||||||
Employed, absent, not COVID-19 | 0.289 | |||||
(0.196) | ||||||
Employed, absent, COVID-19 | 0.100 | |||||
(0.112) | ||||||
Not employed | 0.091 | |||||
(0.085) | ||||||
Work from home | ||||||
Work location changed to home | 0.006 | −0.009 | 0.038 | |||
(0.113) | (0.114) | (0.109) | ||||
Work location remains at home | −0.041 | −0.117 | −0.102 | |||
(0.143) | (0.142) | (0.142) | ||||
Absent from work | 0.141 | −0.001 | 0.131 | |||
(0.121) | (0.127) | (0.120) | ||||
Ability to meet financial obligations | ||||||
Major impact | 0.555*** | 0.564*** | ||||
(0.121) | (0.125) | |||||
Moderate impact | 0.452*** | 0.453*** | ||||
(0.109) | (0.1 11) | |||||
Minor impact | 0.234** | 0.239** | ||||
(0.110) | (0.1 11) | |||||
Too soon to tell | 0.300*** | 0.303*** | ||||
(0.095) | (0.097) | |||||
Might lose job | ||||||
Strongly agree | 0.264* | 0.230* | ||||
(0.136) | (0.135) | |||||
Agree | 0.215 | 0.209 | ||||
(0.144) | (0.145) | |||||
Neither agree nor disagree | 0.300** | 0.308** | ||||
(0.141) | (0.141) | |||||
Disagree | 0.146 | 0.165 | ||||
(0.122) | (0.123) | |||||
No. of observations | 2,433 | 2,433 | 2,433 | 2,433 | 1,448 | 1,448 |
Pseudo-R2 | 0.025 | 0.025 | 0.036 | 0.037 | 0.020 | 0.021 |
Individual controls | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Notes: Dependent variable: family stress resulting from confinement.All regressions are estimated using an ordered probit with robust standard errors and weights applied.All observations are women. Columns 1–4 are all observations; columns 5–6 are the subsample who are employed. The dependent variable asks individuals about their concern about the impact of COVID-19 on family stress due to confinement.The dependent variable takes on the values 1 (not at all), 2 (somewhat), 3 (very), and 4 (eXtremely).All columns include dummies for age, marital status, whether the dwelling has a child aged < 18 y residing in it, and highest education level attained by the respondent. Each independent variable of interest also contains a “not stated” category that was controlled for (not shown). Column 1 appends the controls with a categorical variable describing the employment status of the respondent.The base category is “employed.” Column 2 appends the controls with a categorical variable describing whether the location of where the respondent worked has changed.The base category is “work location remains outside the home.” Column 3 appends the controls with a categorical variable describing whether COVID-19 had an impact on the respondent’s ability to meet financial obligations or essential needs.The base category is “no impact.” Column 4 appends the controls with the work from home and ability to meet financial obligations variables. Column 5 appends the controls with a categorical variable describing whether respondents feel they will lose their main job or main self-employment income in the neXt 4 weeks.The base category is “strongly disagree.” Observations are fewer because we omit those who are not valid. Column 6 appends the controls with the work from home and might lose job variables. COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019.
p = 0.1;
p = 0.05;
p = 0.01.
Source:Authors’ calculations; data from the Canadian Perspective Survey Series.