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. 2021 Apr 28;47(3):439–459. doi: 10.3138/cpp.2020-119

Table A.2:

Controls by Outcome and Sex, Ordered Probit

Family Stress Due to Confinement
Violence in the Home
Controls (1) (2) (3) (4)
Age category, y
 35–54 −0.030 0.214* 0.221* 0.033
(0.099) (0.129) (0.126) (0.143)
 ≥55 −0.102 −0.267* 0.293** 0.035
(0.107) (0.143) (0.137) (0.170)
Marital status
 Living in common-law relationship −0.199* −0.390*** 0.386*** 0.296**
 (0.103) (0.128) (0.125) (0.146)
 Widowed, separated, divorced −0.001 −0.133 0.183 0.176
 (0.099) (0.118) (0.142) (0.149)
 Single, never married 0.156 −0.123 0.345*** 0.275**
 (0.102) (0.140) (0.127) (0.138)
 Child aged < 18 y present in dwelling 0.370*** −0.142 0.104 0.015
 (0.094) (0.121) (0.129) (0.157)
Highest level of education ever completed
 High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate −0.096 −0.136 −0.135 −0.061
 (0.159) (0.236) (0.205) (0.278)
 Trade certificate or diploma −0.345* −0.139 0.002 0.024
 (0.180) (0.235) (0.220) (0.294)
 College, CEGEP, other non-university certificate or diploma −0.116 −0.177 −0.148 −0.325
 (0.159) (0.236) (0.199) (0.271)
 University certificate or diploma below the bachelor’s level −0.092 0.032 0.042 0.476
 (0.211) (0.272) (0.306) (0.464)
 Bachelor’s degree (e.g., BA, BSc, LLB) −0.286* −0.067 −0.091 0.125
 (0.156) (0.232) (0.196) (0.276)
 University certificate, diploma, degree above the BA level −0.257 −0.280 −0.049 0.328
 (0.169) (0.235) (0.208) (0.274)
No. of observations 2,433 2,128 2,429 2,121
Pseudo-R2 0.024 0.016 0.010 0.019

Notes:All regressions are estimated using an ordered probit with robust standard errors and weights applied. Columns 1 and 3 use the sample of only women; columns 2 and 4 use the sample of only men.The dependent variable in columns 1 and 2 asks individuals their concern about the impact of COVID-19 on family stress due to confinement.The dependent variable takes on the values 1 (not at all), 2 (somewhat), 3 (very), and 4 (extremely).The dependent variable in columns 3 and 4 asks individuals about their concern about the impact of COVID-19 on violence in the home.The dependent variable takes on the values 1 (not at all), 2 (somewhat), 3 (very), and 4 (extremely). CEGEP = Collège d’enseignement general et profession-nel; COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019.


p = 0.1;


p = 0.05;


p = 0.01.

Source: Authors’ calculations; data from the Canadian Perspective Survey Series.