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. 2021 Jul 28;47(4):537–553. doi: 10.3138/cpp.2021-033

Table 1:

Data Characteristics

Variable Group and Names Description Source No. Mean Median SD Range (Min–Max)
Dependent variables
 Deaths Cumulated COVID-19 deaths per million persons, 150 days after 10th confirmed case OWID 143 96.8 27.4 155.7 0.1–848.7
 Cases Cumulated COVID-19 cases per million persons, 150 days after 10th confirmed case OWID 143 2,756.9 1,250.8 3,370.9 8.3–18,298.6
Inequality and poverty
 Gini Income Gini coefficient, 2018 WDI 143 38.5 36.7 8.2 24.2–63.0
 GiniW Wealth Gini coefficient, 2019 CS 143 77.1 78.2 7.0 50.3–88.6
 Pov % of population with < $ 1.90 income or consumption per day (US$, 2011 PPP), 2018 WDI 141 13.6 2.1 20.1 0.0–77.6
 Pov5.5 Same as Pov but with US$5.50 poverty line WDI 141 39.1 27.8 35.5 0.0–97.7
 SocPov “Societal poverty” headcount; see text for details WB 142 27.3 24.0 15.3 3.0–75.8
 Age % of population aged 65 y or older, 2019 WDI 143 9.5 7.0 6.7 1.2–28.0
 Urban Urban population as % of total population 2019 WDI 143 60.3 61.9 21.1 13.3–98.0
 BCG Country has a universal BCG vaccination policy BCGWA 142 0.820 1 0.384 0–1
 Beds Hospital beds per 1,000 people, 2015 WDI 143 2.8 2.1 2.4 0.1–13.4
 Obesity % with BMI ≥ 30, adults WHO 141 18.0 20.2 8.3 3.6–36.2
 Density Population density WDI 143 153.9 82.2 242.5 3.0–1,719.0
 FromEq Distance from equator (km) Harvard 143 2,978 2,648 1,933 0–7,186
 Island 1 if island, 0 otherwise Harvard 143 0.140 0 0.347 0–1
Season of COVID-19 start
 Winter 1 if winter start, 0 otherwise OWID 143 0.594 1 0.491 0–1
 Spring 1 if spring start, 0 otherwise OWID 143 0.210 0 0.407 0–1
 Summer 1 if summer start, 0 otherwise OWID 143 0.098 0 0.297 0–1
 Fall 1 if fall start, 0 otherwise OWID 143 0.098 0 0.297 0–1
 GDPpc GDP per capita (US$ PPP), 2019 WDI 143 20,521 13,574 20,717 984–121,293
 Tourism Tourist arrivals by air per 100,000 population, 2019 WDI 136 6.7 0.3 1.1 0.0–68.7
 Democracy 2020 Democracy Index EIU 139 5.6 5.9 2.1 1.1–9.8
 TrustGovt % indicating confidence in their national government Gallup 36 44.1 41.5 13.5 16–81

Notes: Data are unweighted. COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019; OWID = Our World in Data (2021); WDI = world development indicators (World Bank 2020); CS = Credit Suisse (2021); PPP = purchasing power parity; WB = World Bank staff; BCG = Bacillus Calmette-Guerin; BCGWA = BCG World Atlas (2021); BMI = body mass index; WHO = World Health Organization (2021); Harvard = Harvard WorldMap (n.d.); GDP = gross domestic product; EIU = Economist Intelligence Unit (2021); Gallup = Gallup world poll as reported by OECD (2021)

Source:Author’s compilation.