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. 2021 Aug 26;37(9):1657–1667. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfab251

Table 2.

Multiple logistic regression analyses with ORs for accelerated GFR decline and incident CKD

Outcome definition: Accelerated declinea
Incident CKDb
Model OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P
Crude: Protein only.
 MMP7, per SD increase 1.52 1.28–1.80 <0.001 1.91 1.43–2.55 <0.001
 MMP7, first quartile Ref.
 MMP7, second quartile 0.59 0.33–1.07 0.08
 MMP7, third quartile 0.90 0.52–1.53 0.69
 MMP7, fourth quartile 1.77 1.10–2.84 0.019
 MMP7, first to third quartiles Ref. Ref.
 MMP7, fourth quartile 2.11 1.45–3.07 <0.001 3.00 1.55–5.78 0.001
Model 1
 MMP7, per SD increase 1.68 1.39–2.04 <0.001* 1.62 1.19–2.19 0.002**
 MMP7, first quartile Ref.
 MMP7, second quartile 0.56 0.30–1.02 0.06
 MMP7, third quartile 0.84 0.48–1.47 0.54
 MMP7, fourth quartile 1.74 1.05–2.87 0.031
 MMP7, first to third quartiles Ref. Ref.
 MMP7, fourth quartile 2.18 1.46–3.25 <0.001 2.35 1.19–4.64 0.01
Model 2
 MMP7, per SD increase 1.66 1.37–2.01 <0.001*
 MMP7, first quartile Ref.
 MMP7, second quartile 0.56 0.30–1.03 0.06
 MMP7, third quartile 0.82 0.47–1.45 0.54
 MMP7, fourth quartile 1.72 1.04–2.85 0.031
 MMP7, first to third quartiles Ref.
 MMP7, fourth quartile 2.17 1.45–3.24 <0.001
Model 3
 MMP7, per SD increase 1.58 1.30–1.93 <0.001*
 MMP7, first quartile Ref.
 MMP7, second quartile 0.56 030–1.04 0.07
 MMP7, third quartile 0.81 0.46–1.42 0.46
 MMP7, fourth quartile 1.52 0.90–2.56 0.11
 MMP7, first to third quartiles Ref.
 MMP7, fourth quartile 1.93 1.27–2.92 0.002

Model 1: adjusted for: sex, age, baseline mGFR and ACR (mg/mmol).

Model 2: adjusted for: Model 1 + BMI, sBP and fasting glucose.

Model 3: adjusted for: Model 2 + ever smoker and BP medication.


Defined as 10% steepest decline (annual GFR decline rate >1.78 mL/min/1.73 m2 calculated using linear mixed model regression). n = 1289 in total and n = 131 with accelerated GFR decline.


Incident CKD, defined as new-onset GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 and/or ACR ≥3.0 at FU (n = 1256 in total and n = 37 with incident CKD). Only four variables were included in the fully adjusted model (Model 1) due to few outcomes.


P = 0.008, P = 0.011 and P = 0.009 for the quadratic term of MMP7 in Models 1–3.


P = 0.23 for the quadratic term of MMP7 in Model 1.