(A) Diagram
of DMSO and 20 μM FSK treatment on Tg(ubi:DDcAMP) and Tg(ubi:DDcAMPR307Q) embryos beginning at 4–5 hpf for
20 h. Anterior somites from treated embryos were imaged at 24 hpf,
and GFP intensity was measured in somites 7–11. (B) Images
of somites from DMSO and FSK-treated Tg(ubi:DDcAMP) and Tg(ubi:DDcAMPR307Q) embryos at 24 hpf. The graph represents the mean fluorescence
intensity of five somites per embryo, and each point corresponds to
one embryo. Error bars indicate SD: ***p < 0.001
by two-way ANOVA (Šídák’s multiple comparisons), n = 6–11 animals for each condition. ns = not significant.
AU = arbitrary unit. (C) Diagram of DMSO and 8-cpt-cAMP treatment
of Tg(ubi:DDcAMP) starting at 12–13
somite stage (12–13ss) and imaged after 24 h of incubation.
The tip of the tail was imaged for GFP intensity and the EVLs were
quantified. (D) Tg(ubi:DDcAMP) embryos
from the same clutch were treated with DMSO, 100 μM 8-cpt-cAMP,
or 100 μM 8-cpt-cGMP; signal from 20 EVL cells was averaged
per animal. Each dot in the graph represents one animal. Error bars
indicate SD; ****p < 0.0001 one-way ANOVA (with
Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons), n = 6–9
animal per condition. AU = arbitrary unit. (E) Frames from a confocal
time lapse image with Airyscan 2 processing of Tg(ubi:DDcAMP) embryo starting at 15 hpf (t = 0 min). One frame every 20 min is shown as representation
of the time lapse. GFP-expressing muscle cells are indicated with
red arrows. (F) Graph represents the fold change of mean fluorescence
intensity measured in five somites per embryo at time 0 and after
2 and 4 h of treatment. Error bars indicate SEM; **p < 0.01 two-way ANOVA (with Šídák’s
multiple comparisons), n = 6–10 animals for
each condition. ns = not significant, FC = fold change. (G) Confocal
images of somites from Tg(ubi:DDcAMP)
and Tg(ubi:cAMPr) embryos after
4 h of FSK and DMSO treatment show GFP expression in muscle cells
but different response to FSK treatment. (H) Graph represents the
mean fluorescence intensity measured in five somites per embryo at
the time points indicated. Error bars indicate SEM; there is no significance
among the groups; n = 4–5 animals for each