Fig. 3.
FAMD biplot Vs. mean Shannon diversity differences between cases and controls. Dot sizes of studies (Byu17 [46] Car13 [27], Cob15 [45], Den16 [29], Ein16 [39], Erb11 [37], Fei17 [25], Gol13 [28], Hua20 [34], Kim17 [4], Lee18 [20], Li17 [32], Liu20 [31], Mar13 [33], Mil15 [41], Mun16 [35], Nar17 [44], Par14 [36], Ple19 [42], Pra12 [38], Sor20 [43], Sve17 [30], Wan20 [21]) are different depending on the disease. Color degree represents the sign (positive or negative) and the amount of the difference between mean diversity of cases and mean diversity of controls