Figure 4.
Intercorrelations and graphical representation of fixed-effects from MLM analysis of microworld performance indexed by accumulated block penalty (adapted from Birney et al. 2018, with permission from Elsevier; ref: 5356931314753). The model was of the following general form: Level 1: []; Level 2: []; []; []; []. The values by the ovals are standardized regression coefficients of the fixed-effects for each parameter (β00, β10, β20, and β30), averaged across the separate moderator analyses. The values by the curved arrows are the correlations between fixed-effects in a baseline model (i.e., without moderator variables). Moderators (cross-level interactions; β01, β11, β21, and β31) included reasoning (verbal, numerical, abstract), personality (five-factor model), mindsets (goal orientations and implicit theories), and emotional intelligence (MSCEIT branches). See Birney et al. (2018) for details of additional covariates that were included.