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. 2022 Jan 24;18(9):2020–2035. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2022.2025572

Table 1.

Summary of Atg8–PE protein-based in vitro biochemical approaches.

Approach Mechanism Required components Product Pros Cons Applications for autophagy studies Ref
Enzyme-mediated reconstitution system Mimicking Atg8 lipidation using purified components and liposomes Recombinant Atg8-I, Atg7 and Atg3, PE-containing liposomes or giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), ATP Native Atg8–PE 1. Standard and effective approach for in vitro Atg8 lipidation
2. Native Atg8–PE products
Time-consuming and laborious 1. Analyzing Atg8-mediated membrane dynamics
2. Determining influential factors involved in Atg8–PE conjugation
3. Investigating Atg8–PE deconjugation mediated by Atg4
Chemically defined reconstitution system Maleimide-thiol coupling: Michael addition of the thiol group of cysteine and maleimide moiety Recombinant LC3BG120C mutant, PE-maleimide-containing liposomes LC3B–PE maleimide conjugate 1. Simple and time-effective approach for in vitro LC3 lipidation
2. Bypassing the requirement for the conjugation machinery
The product is non-native LC3–PE conjugate Analyzing LC3-mediated membrane dynamics [31]
PolyHis-NTA strategy: high-affinity binding of polyHis-tagged proteins to Ni-NTA Recombinant LC3B-His12, DGS-NTA-containing liposomes LC3B-DGS noncovalent complex 1. The commercial DGS-NTA lipids are not native PE structures
2. The product is LC3-DGS noncovalent complex
Analyzing LC3-mediated membrane dynamics [70]
Cell-free lipidation system Mimicking LC3 lipidation using purified substrates, fractionated cytosols, membranes and nucleotides. Recombinant T7-LC3B-I, the cytosols from WT MEFs, the membranes from atg5 knockout MEFs, ATP Native LC3B–PE 1. Enabling the LC3–PE conjugation in the physiological lipid composition
2. Native LC3–PE products
1. Time-consuming and laborious process, technical challenge
2. Difficult to separate target compartments
1. Defining the origin source of autophagic membranes
2. Dissecting the molecular mechanisms of early autophagic membrane generation
Protein chemical synthesis strategy PolyArg-assisted solubilization strategy: EPL of LC3[1-114] protein thioester and PE-modified peptide with polyArg tag LC3B[1-114] MESNa thioester, PE-modified peptide with polyArg tag, MPAA (catalyst) Native LC3B–PE Enabling functional LC3–PE in preparative amounts 1. Time-consuming and laborious, technical challenge
2. Need to remove polyArg tag and to refold proteins after ligation
Analyzing LC3-mediated membrane tethering and fusion [29]
MBP-assisted solubilization strategy: EPL of MBP-LC3[1-114] protein thioester and PE-modified peptide MBP-LC3B[1-114] MESNa thioester, PE-modified peptide, β-octylglucoside (detergent), MPAA (catalyst) Native LC3B–PE 1. Enabling functional LC3–PE with various mutants and modifications in preparative amounts
2. The ligation works under folding conditions
Time-consuming and laborious process, technical challenge 1. Analyzing LC3-mediated membrane tethering and fusion
2. Elucidating the biochemical mechanisms of Legionella RavZ-mediated LC3–PE deconjugation