Figure 4.
Non-dose-dependent effects of WJ-MSC EVs in BPD and PH. Similar reduction in (A) right ventricular systolic pressure, (B) RV/LV+S, and (C) percentage of muscularized vessels in 2-week-old hyperoxia (HYP) exposed rats treated with IT low dose (LD), medium dose (MD) and high dose (HD) WJ-MSC EV. IT WJ-MSC EV non-dose dependently (D) increased lung vascular density, (E) decreased mean linear intercept and (F) increased radial alveolar count. Data are presented as mean ± SEM; N = 6/group. *P < .05, room air (RA) placebo (PL) vs. HYP PL or HYP PL vs. HYP WJ-MSC EV LD, MD or HD.