Figure 3.
Frequently targeted areas in phenol and BoNT injections among the Phenol-First and BoNT-First groups combined (N = 36). For BoNT injections, the upper proximal area includes shoulder and elbow muscles; the upper distal area includes wrist and finger muscles; the lower proximal area includes hip and knee muscles; the lower distal area includes ankle and foot muscles. For phenol injections, the upper proximal area includes medial and lateral pectoral nerves, thoracodorsal nerve, and musculocutaneous nerve; the upper distal area includes radial, median and ulnar nerves and their branches; the lower proximal area includes femoral, obturator and sciatic nerves and their motor branches; the lower distal area includes peroneal and tibial nerve branches. Asterisks: statistical significance. Standard errors were shown.