Table 1.
Authors, year |
Sample, age (years) |
Setting |
functional tests |
Intervention | Duration, frequency and intensity | Effect of intervention | Adverse effect/adherence |
Perez-Bogerd et al. (30) | ILD, n = 60 CG: 64 ± 8 ET: 64 ± 13 |
Outpatient | 6MWT | CG: medical care ET: cycling, treadmill walking, arm cranking, stair climbing and peripheral muscle training + patient education. |
60 sessions, 3x/week first 3 months and thereafter 2x/week, 90'. Cycling at 60–85% of the initial maximal work rate on the cycle ergometer and walking at 75–110% of their maximal walking speed during 6MWT + stair climbing (1–3 repetitions of 2′), peripheral muscle training → 70% of 1RM (3 sets of 8 rep). |
PR improves exercise tolerance, health status and muscle force in ILD. The benefits are maintained at 1-year follow-up. The intervention did not change physical activity. | Measured/ Measured |
Nishiyama et al. (40) | IPF, n = 28 CG: 64.5 ± 9.1 ET: 68.1 ± 8.9 |
Outpatient | 6MWT, Cycle ergometer test | Treadmill + strength training + educational lectures. | 8 weeks, 2x/week Treadmill (80% of the patient's maximal walking speed assessed at the 6MWT or 80% of the initial maximum workload at the cycle ergometer + strength training (20′). |
PR improves functional exercise capacity and health-related quality of life in patients with IPF. | Not measured/ Not reported |
Gaunaurd et al. (41) | IPF, n = 21 CG: 71 ± 6 ET: 66 ± 7 |
Outpatient | 6MWT | Educational lectures + supervised aerobic training and strength training + home-based program (on days they did not do PR). | 12 weeks, 2x/week (supervised ET) 90′+ 2 × /week (home-based program), 10 education sessions 30′ cardiopulmonary endurance training (70–80% of the maximum predicted heart rate), 20′ flexibility exercises, and 25′ strength training (initial: 2 sets of 10 repetitions; progression: 3 sets of 15 repetitions). |
A 3-month PR significantly improved symptoms (SGRQ-I) and physical activity levels (IPAQ) in subjects with IPF while they actively participate in the program. | Not measured/ Not measured |
Jackson et al. (42) | IPF, N = 21 CG: 66 ± 7 ET: 71 ± 6 |
Outpatient | 6MWT, Cycle ergometer test | Educational lectures + cardiopulmonary aerobic training, strength training + flexibility exercise. | 12 weeks, 2x/week, 120′; educational lectures (1 session biweekly) 30′ cardiopulmonary endurance training (up to 80 % maximum heart rate), flexibility exercises (3 sets x 30″) and 15–30′ strength training (up to 3 sets ×15 repetitions). |
PR effectively maintained exercise oxygen uptake over 3 months and lengthened constant load exercise time in patients with moderately severe IPF. | Unclear/Unclear |
Dowman et al. (43) |
ILD, n = 142 IPF: CG: 73 ± 9 ET: 70 ± 10 Asbestosis: CG: 72 ± 9 ET: 72 ± 7 CTD-ILD: CG: 65 ± 11 ET: 63 ± 10 |
Outpatient | 6MWT | CG: phone calls for support ET: supervised exercise program → aerobic training, cycling and walking, plus upper and lower limb strength training + home-based program. |
8 weeks, 2x/week, 30′ Initial intensity for walking: 80% of peak walking speed of the 6MWT; cycling at 70% of the maximum work rate estimated from the 6MWT and, strength training at an initial load (10–12 RM). Exercise progressed weekly. |
ET promoted improvement in 6MWD, symptoms and HRQoL. Magnitude of change was greater in those with asbestosis compared with IPF. Individuals with a range of severity stand to benefit, however longer-lasting effects may occur in milder disease. | No adverse event/Measured |
Vainshelboim et al. (44) |
IPF, n =3 4 CG: 66 ± 9 ET: 68.8 ± 6 |
Outpatient | 6MWT, 30-S Chair- Stand to Test Leg Strength, CPET |
CG: medical care ET: supervised exercise program → aerobic training interval + upper and lower limb strength training + flexibility exercises. |
12 weeks, 2x/week, 60′ First 6 weeks: 50–60% of peak work rate in cycling and, 70–80% of individual average walking speed measured during the 6MWD and moderate intensity to strength training (1 set of 12-15 repetitions). Last 6 weeks: duration maintained, 60–70% of peak work rate in cycling and 80–90% of individual average walking speed, strength and flexibility training maintained and increased load+stair climbing (3–5′). |
ET showed clinical outcomes were preserved at baseline levels with improvements in leg strength and HRQoL. The CG showed a trend of deterioration in the outcomes. | Unclear/Unclear |
Greening et al. (45) |
CRD, n =389 CG: 71.2 ± 10.0 ET: 71.1 ± 9.4 |
Inpatient | ISWT, ESWT | CG: standard care ET: supervised strength training and aerobic training + neuromuscular electrical stimulation. After discharge → unsupervised home- based program, + telephone consultations. |
Walking was performed at a set walking speed predetermined by the ESWT at 85% oxygen consumption, ST (3 sets of 8 repetitions based on the 1RM, neuromuscular electrical stimulation (both quadriceps 30′ daily, symmetrical biphasic pulse at 50 Hz, pulse duration of 300 ms, 15″ on and five″ off. | Early rehabilitation during hospital admission for CRD did not reduce the risk of subsequent readmission or enhance recovery of physical function following the event over 12 months. | Unclear/ Measured |
Holland et al. (46) |
ILD (60% with IPF), n = 57 CG: 67 ± 13 ET: 70 ± 8 | Outpatient | 6MWT, CPET | CG: phone calls for support ET: supervised and unsupervised exercise program → aerobic training (cycling and walking training) + upper and lower limb strength training. |
8 weeks, 2 × /week, 30′ Initial intensity for walking: 80% of peak walking speed achieved on the 6MWT. |
ET improves exercise capacity and symptoms in patients with ILD, but these benefits are not sustained 6 months following intervention. | Unclear/ Measured |
ILD, interstitial lung disease; CG, control group; ET, exercise training; 6MWT, six-minute walking test; PR, pulmonary rehabilitation; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; SGRQ-I, St George Respiratory Questionnaire for IPF; IPAQ, International Physical Activity Questionnaire; CTD-ItD, connective tissue disease-related ILD; RM, repetition maximum; CPET, Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test; HRQoL, health-related quality of life; CRD, chronic respiratory disease; ISTW, incremental shuttle walk test ESWT, endurance shuttle walk test.