(A) Serial dilutions of cultures of the indicated strains were spotted on SC medium or SC + 0.2% 2DG medium and grown for 4 days at 30°C. (B) Intracellular 2DG6P was assayed enzymatically in WT and rod1Δ cells grown overnight in a glucose-containing medium, treated for 2h with 0.2% 2DG, and then transferred into a 2DG-free glucose-containing medium (“chase”). Values are normalized to the value of the WT / 2h (n = 4 independent experiments ± SEM, paired t-test, p-value indicated). (C) 2DG6P content was assayed from WT cells as in (B) after 15 min and 2h treatment with 0.2% 2DG n = 4 independent experiments ± SEM, paired t-test, p-value indicated). (D) Intracellular 2DG6P was assayed enzymatically in WT, hxt3Δ, rod1Δ and rod1Δ hxt3Δ cells as in (B). Values are normalized to the value of the WT / 2h (n = 3 independent experiments ± SEM, paired t-test, p-value indicated). (E) Intracellular glucose measurement using a FRET-based glucose biosensor (representative experiment). Cells were grown overnight in glucose medium (exponential phase), treated for 4h with 0.2% 2DG, and transferred in a glucose-free buffer. Fluorescence at 485 and 528 nm was measured every 90 sec in a plate reader before and after glucose addition (2%) (see Methods) and the FRET ratio (485/528 nm) is indicated over time. (F) Intracellular glucose was evaluated as in (D) at 2000 sec across n = 5 independent experiments (± SEM, paired t-test) and is represented as normalized to the “before glucose” value. (G) Serial dilutions of cultures of the indicated strains were spotted on SC medium or SC + 0,1% 2DG medium and grown for 4 days at 30°C.