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. 2022 Jul 19;88(2):609–618. doi: 10.3233/JAD-215551

Table 3.

King-Devick (KD) reading test scores and related eye-tracking (ET) recordings

King -Devick analysis CO MCI AD CO-MCI MCI-AD CO-AD
N = 34 N = 17 N = 19 p p p
Total time, s 69.3 (14.2) 76.6 (14.2) 82.7 (16.5) 0.319 0.665 0.008
Total number of errors 0.62 (1.81) 0.18 (0.53) 2.74 (3.62) 1.000 0.004 0.005
Eye-tracking analysis N = 34 N = 19 N = 16
Fixation duration, ms 249 (47) 247 (42) 241 (45) 0.965 1.000 1.000
Saccade duration, ms 27.1 (4.3) 25.3 (4.6) 24.8 (4.4) 0.040 1.000 0.010
Saccade amplitude, deg 3.58 (0.60) 3.33 (0.51) 3.21 (0.57) 0.024 0.849 < 0.001

Values are presented as means (±SD). CO, control; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; AD, Alzheimer’s disease. Bolded p-values indicate significant differences between groups.