Table 3.
Randomized Controlled Trials of PUFA Supplementation in Bipolar Disorder
Study | Design | Dose | Duration, wk | No. of Patients | Outcomes | Results |
Stoll et al, 199937 | RCT DB, PC |
EPA 6.2 and DHA 3.4 g/d vs placebo caps | 16 | 44 | HDRS YMRS |
Significant reduction in HDRS scores in omega-3 group, but not YMRS scores |
Chiu et al, 200538 | RCT DB, PC |
EPA 440 mg and DHA 240 mg/d vs olive oil placebo caps | 4 | 15 | YMRS | Reduced scores in both groups, but no significant difference between groups |
Keck et al, 200639 | RCT DB, PC |
EPA 6 g/d vs placebo caps | 16 | 121 | IDS-C YMRS |
No significant difference between groups in any outcome |
Frangou et al, 200640 | RCT DB, PC |
EPA 1 or 2 g/d vs placebo caps | 12 | 75 | HDRS YMRS |
Significant reduction in both EPA groups as compared to placebo in HDRS scores, but not on YMRS scores |
Frangou et al, 200741 | RCT DB, PC |
EPA 2 g/d vs liquid paraffin | 12 | 14 | HDRS | No significant difference between groups |
Gracious et al, 201042 | RCT DB, PC |
Flaxseed oil (ALA) 6.6 g/d vs placebo | 16 | 51 | CDRS-R YMRS |
No significant difference between groups |
Murphy et al, 201243 | RCT DB, PC |
EPA 3 g/d + cytidine 2 g/d vs EPA 3 g/d + placebo vs placebo + placebo | 16 | 45 | MADRS YMRS |
No significant difference between groups |
Abbreviations: ALA = α-linolenic acid, CDRS-R = Child Depression Rating Scale-Revised, DB = double-blind, DHA = docosahexaenoic acid, EPA = eicosapentaenoic acid, HDRS = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, IDS-C = Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology, MADRS = Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale, PC = placebo-controlled, PUFA = polyunsaturated fatty acid, RCT = randomized controlled trial, YMRS = Young Mania Rating Scale.