40X magnification z-stacks were obtained of dual reporter mice at A)
baseline, B) post-transplant day 1 (d1), and C) post-transplant day 7 (d7). 30
μm thick sections were reconstructed with Imaris software to obtain
volumetric reconstructions of donor macrophages at D) baseline and E) at d7.
From reconstructions, quantitative measurements of donor CCR2−
macrophages F) surface area (μm2), G) volume
(μm3) and H) number of projections were obtained. For each
timepoint, each data point represents the average of 10–20 macrophages
from at least two regions of interest in at least two separate sections per
heart. Identical measurements were performed in donor CCR2+
macrophages (I-K) across time. Statistical analyses were computed with
Kruskal-Wallis (noted p-value) and Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons
(* when < 0.05 compared to baseline) (baseline n = 10, d1 = 9, d3 = 7, d7
= 8). Heatmaps of normalized counts for differentially expressed marker genes
between baseline and post-transplant for L) donor CCR2−
macrophages and M) donor CCR2+ macrophages. PROGENy pathway analysis
at basleine and post-transplant in N) CCR2− and O)
CCR2+ macrophages. P) PROGENy derived NF-қB pathway
enrichment score violin plot across 4 CCR2− and
CCR2+ macrophages at baseline and post-transplant. Q) Gene set
score for CCR2+ macrophage activation post-transplant shown in
CCR2+ and CCR2− macrophages pre- and
post-transplant (p < 0.01). Gene set score p-values calculated with 2-way
ANOVA with multiple comparisons. R) Genes used to calculate gene set score.
Scale bar = 10 μm.