Table 1. Sample PubMed Search Strategy.
#1 | unmet healthcare need OR unmet health care need OR unmet need OR unmet psychiatric need OR unmet physical need
OR access to care OR access to healthcare OR healthcare services access OR health services access OR health services availability OR healthcare demand OR treatment barriers OR health disparit* OR needs assessment [Title/Abstract] |
#2 | Needs Assessment OR Health Services Accessibility OR Patient Acceptance of Health Care OR Healthcare disparities OR
Health Services Needs and Demand [MeSH Terms] |
#3 | #1 OR #2 |
#4 | neurodisabilit* OR developmental disabilit* OR intellectual disabilit* OR intellectual impairment OR learning disability OR
learning disorder OR cognitive impairment OR intellectual deficiency OR special needs OR mental retardation OR mentally disabled persons OR fragile X syndrome OR cerebral palsy OR down syndrome OR downs syndrome OR Rett syndrome OR spina bifida OR prader willi OR autism OR asperger syndrome OR childhood disintegrative disorder OR heller’s syndrome OR pervasive developmental disorder [Title/Abstract] |
#5 | Developmental Disabilities OR Developmental Disability Nursing OR Cerebral palsy OR Intellectual disability OR Persons with
Mental Disabilities OR Cognitive Dysfunction OR Down syndrome OR Autistic disorder OR Autism Spectrum Disorder OR Rett syndrome OR Spinal Dysraphism OR Spina Bifida Cystica OR Spina Bifida Occulta OR Prader-Willi Syndrome [MeSH Terms] |
#6 | #4 OR #5 |
#7 | #3 AND #6 |