Relationship between m7G regulators and alternative splicing in glioma The Upset plot of seven types of ASEs in the GBM (A) and LGG (B) cohort derived from the TCGA database. The Upset plot of seven types of ASEs associated with the overall survival of GBM (C) and LGG (D) patients. The splicing correlation network between EIF4E1B and OS-SEs in GBM (E) and LGG (F) (risk SEs with HRs>1 were represented by red dots, favorable SEs with HRs<1 were represented by blue dots. Red arrows indicate positive correlation while blue arrows indicate negative correlation). The Kaplan-Meier survival curves showed different survival probabilities in GBM (G) and LGG (H) patients stratified by EIF4E1B expression level. (Yellow lines represent the high expression group and blue lines represent the low expression group).