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. 2022 Aug 9;10(3):e35202. doi: 10.2196/35202

Table 3.

Characteristics of the comparators and outcomes (N=18).

Study Comparator Duration (minutes) Frequency (times per week) Period (weeks) Measured outcomes Outcome measures Follow-up Attrition, N
Valdes et al [46] Control N/Aa N/A N/A VMb HVLTc; RAVLTd; RBMTe After the intervention; 52-, 104-, 156-, and 261-week follow-up NRf
Zhuang et al [47] Control N/A N/A N/A VM ACE-Rg After the intervention 10
Hagovská et al [48] Conventional exercises 30 7 10 VM ACE-R After the intervention 2
Singh et al [49] Conventional exercises+sham cognitive training; serious games+conventional exercises; control Conventional exercises+sham cognitive training: 75; serious games+conventional exercises: 100; control: 60 2 25 VM; NVMh BVRT-Ri; WMS-III-LMj After the intervention; 74-week follow-up 14
Gooding et al [50] Empirically validated serious game; commercially available serious game 60 2 17 VM; NVM WMS-R-VR-IIk; WMS-R-LMl; BSRTm After the intervention 22
Liao et al [51] Conventional exercises 60 3 12 VM; WMn CVLTo; SBTTp After the intervention 15
Finn and McDonald [52] Control NR 2 4 VM; WM WMS-IV-VPA-IIq; WMS-IV-SSr After the intervention 7
Park and Park [53] Commercially available exergame 30 3 10 VM; WM RAVLT; WAIS-DSBs After the intervention 0
Cavallo et al [54] Control N/A N/A N/A VM; NVM; WM RBMT; WMS-R-DSBt; TSWRTu After the intervention; 24-week follow-up 4
Leung et al [55] Control 60 3 13 VM; NVM; WM WMS-III-FPv; WMS-III-LM; WMS-III-DSTw; WMS-III-VSSTx After the intervention 0
Yang and Kwak [56] Control N/A N/A N/A VM; NVM; WM ROCFTy; SVLTz; WMS-III-DSBaa After the intervention 0
Tarnanas et al [57] Control; conventional cognitive activities 90 2 21 VM; NVM; WM ROCFT; RAVLT; WMS-III-DSB After the intervention 9
Flak et al [58] Nonadaptive serious game 30 to 40 5 5 VM; NVM; WM ROCFT; WMS-III-FIIab; WMS-III-LM; CVLT-IIac; WMS-III-DSB; WMS-III-SSad; WMS-III-LNSae After the intervention; 4- and 16-week follow-up 17
Herrera et al [59] Conventional cognitive activities 60 2 12 VM; NVM; WM ROCFT-Raf; BEM-WLTRag; MMSE-Rah; WMS-R-DSB After the intervention; 24-week follow-up NR
Savulich et al [60] Control N/A N/A N/A NVM BVRT-R After the intervention 0
Boller et al [61] Serious game; control 7 to 10 3 2 NVM; WM SRTai; n-BTaj; RSTak After the intervention 0
Karssemeijer et al [62] Conventional exercises (aerobic exercises); conventional exercises (relaxation and flexibility exercises) 30 to 50 3 12 NVM; WM LLT-Ral; WAIS-III-DSam; WMS-III-VSST After the intervention; 24-week follow-up 23
Hyer et al [63] Nonadaptive serious game 40 7 5 to 7 WM WMS-III-DST; WMS-III-LNS After the intervention; 12-week follow-up 9

aN/A: not applicable.

bVM: verbal memory.

cHVLT: Hopkins Verbal Learning Test.

dRAVLT: Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test.

eRBMT: Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test.

fNR: not reported.

gACE-R: Addenbrooke Cognitive Examination-Revised.

hNVM: nonverbal memory.

iBVRT-R: Benton Visual Retention Test-Revised, Fifth Edition.

jWMS-III-LM: Wechsler Memory Scale Third Edition-Logical Memory.

kWMS-R-VR-II: Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised-Visual Reproductions II.

lWMS-R-LM: Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised-Logical Memory.

mBSRT: Buschke Selective Reminding Test.

nWM: working memory.

oCVLT: California Verbal Learning Test.

pSBTT: spatial n-back task test.

qWMS-IV-VPA-II: Wechsler Memory Scale Fourth Edition-Verbal Paired Associates II.

rWMS-IV-SS: Wechsler Memory Scale Fourth Edition-Symbol Span.

sWAIS-DSB: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Digit Span Backwards.

tWMS-R-DSB: Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised-Digit Span Backwards.

uTSWRT: two-syllable word repetition test.

vWMS-III-FP: Wechsler Memory Scale Third Edition-Family Pictures.

wWMS-III-DST: Wechsler Memory Scale Third Edition-Digit Span Test.

xWMS-III-VSST: Wechsler Memory Scale Third Edition-Visual-Spatial Span Test.

yROCFT: Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test.

zSVLT: Seoul Verbal Learning Test.

aaWMS-III-DSB: Wechsler Memory Scale Third Edition-Digit Span Backwards Test.

abWMS-III-FII: Wechsler Memory Scale Third Edition-Faces II.

acCVLT-II: California Verbal Learning Test-Second Edition.

adWMS-III-SS: Wechsler Memory Scale Third Edition-Symbol Span.

aeWMS-III-LNS: Wechsler Memory Scale Third Edition-Letter-Number Sequencing.

afROCFT-R: Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test-Revised.

agBEM-WLTR: Batterie d’Efficience Mnesique-word list total recall.

ahMMSE-R: Mini-Mental State Examination-Recall.

aiSRT: source recognition task.

ajn-BT: n-back task.

akRST: reading span task.

alLLT-R: Location Learning Test-Revised.

amWAIS-III-DS: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Second Edition-Digit Span.