Table 1.
Characteristics of the studies of the psychological distress related to the COVID-19 pandemic among the general population of India
Author/period of study | Study setting and design | Male/female | Sample size/sampling method | Age in years (mean±SD)/range | Survey tools | Stress % (n/N) |
Anand et al.[10] Journal submission on March 06, 2021 |
Across India/Online survey | 486/574 | 1060/snow ball | 21-65 | K6 | 53.86% (571/1060) |
Bhowmick et al.[11] April 18-May 3, 2020 |
West Bengal/Online survey | 182/171/2 others | 355/snow ball | 18-80 | WHO-5 | 37.74% (134/355) |
Venugopal et al.[12] April 26-May 1, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 225/228 | 453/snow ball | 24.18±14.00 | GHQ 28 | 42.16% (191/453) |
Pandey et al.[13] March 24-April 11, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 582/805 | 1387/snow ball | 25.0±10.2 | DASS 21 | 2.4% (33/1387) |
Gopal et al.[14] March 29- May 24, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 103/56 | 159/snow ball | 27.44±9.17 | Single item Stress scale | 30.8% (49/159) |
Verma and Mishra et al.[15] April 4-14, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 183/173 | 345/snow ball | 18-41 | DASS 21 | 11.6% (40/345) |
Kaurani et al.[16] April 19-May 5, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 310/317 | 627/snow ball | 20-70 | PSS | 52.31% (328/627) |
Kaur et al.[17] May 24-June 5, 2021 |
Across India/Online survey | 525/584 | 1109/snow ball | 32.98±14.72 | DASS-21 PSQI |
9.28% (103/1109) |
Singh and Khokhar et al.[18] Last week of April 2020 |
West Bengal/Online survey | 95/139 | 234/snow ball | 28.59±10.47 | IES-R | 28.2% (66/234) |
Nair and Rajmohan[19] April 30-May 12, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 114/149 | 263/snow ball | 29±9.8 | Structured validated questionnaire | 39.5% (103/263) |
Ramasubramanian et al.[20] April 13-25, 2020 |
Tamil Nadu/Online survey | 830/1541 | 2317/snow ball | 25-55 | CPDI | 23.34% (541/2317) |
Sathe et al.[21] April 29-May 3, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 283/247 | 530/snow ball | 32.45±12.22 | K10 | 23.58% (125/530) |
Wakode et al.[22] May 18-25, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 149/108 | 257/snow ball | 25 | PSS 10 | 84% (217/257) |
Nathiya et al.[23] May 23-29, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 278/201 | 479/snow ball | 15-30 | DASS-21 | 37.36% (179/479) |
Sebastian et al.[24] Not available |
29 States of India/Online survey | NM | 1257/snow ball | 29.3±9.7 | IES-6 | 53.3% (670/1257) |
Hazarika et al.[25] April 6-22, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 167/255 | 422/snow ball | 30.5±10.9 | DASS 21 | 35.5% (149/422) |
Grover et al.[26] April 6-24, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | NM | 894/snow-ball | 41.2±13.6 | PSS | 74.49% (666/894) |
Varshney et al.[27] March 26-29, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 491/154/8 other | 453/snow ball | 41.82±13.85 | IES-R | 47.9% (217/453) |
Nagarajan et al.[28] May 8-June 16, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 150/250 | 400/snow ball | 15-84 | GHQ 12 | 8.8% (35/400) |
Tomar and Suman[29] April 28-May 8, 2020 |
Across India/Online survey | 1160/1085 | 2245/snow ball | 32.4±11.4 | DASS 21 ISI |
21.60% (485/2245) |
Wani et al.[30] May 2020 |
Kashmir/Online study | 138/149 | 287/snow ball | 27.35±78.12 | DASS 21 | 10.45% (30/287) |
Reddy et al.[31] April 1-May 12, 2020 |
11 States of India/Online survey | 477/416 | 891/respondent-driven | 16-60 | DASS 21 | 10% (93/891) |
SD: Standard deviation, NM: Not mentioned, K6: The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (6 item; Cut off -3), K10: The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (10 item; Cut off - 25) WHO-5: The 5-item World Health Organization Well-Being Index (Cut off -12), Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21 (Cut off: - Depression ≥13, Anxiety ≥09, Stress ≥19), PSS: Perceived Stress Scale (Cut off ≥14), IES-R: Impact of event scale-revised (Cut off ≥24), GHQ-12: General Health Questionnaire (cutoff - 2/3; Cut off - 20.55), ISI: Insomnia Severity Index (Cut off ≥15), GHQ-28: General Health Questionnaire (Cutoff ≥23), CPDI: Peri-traumatic distress index (Cutoff ≥28), DASS 21: Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21