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. 2022 Aug 4;96(16):e00421-22. doi: 10.1128/jvi.00421-22


List of viruses identified in melon and associated weeds by HTS

Reference ID Virus Acronym Segment Virus length MPa ADb PCc
MN398900 Cucumis melo alphaendornavirus CmEV 15,084 111,371 868.23 99.95
NC_002034 Cucumber mosaic virus CMV RNA1 3,357 591,932 7,573.84 99.70
NC_002035 RNA2 3,050 863,649 7,620.99 99.70
NC_001440 RNA3 2,216 1,888,683 7,581.22 100.00
NC_001504 Melon necrotic spot virus MNSV 4,266 6,024 187.98 99.08
NC_001556 Tobacco mild green mosaic virus TMGMV 6,355 128 3.52 66.89
NC_003688 Cucurbit aphid -borne yellows virus CABYV 5,669 351,189 6,478.45 99.82
NC_004611 Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus ToLCNDV DNA-A 2,739 69,863 2,902.98 100.00
 NC_004612 DNA-B 2,696 7,828 450.81 74.03
NC_006262 Watermelon mosaic virus WMV 10,035 2,728,171 7,428.15 99.30
NC_018173 Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus CCYV RNA1 8,607 1,501 21.15 99.17
NC_018174 RNA2 8,041 3,893 62.21 99.63
E. elaterium (yr 2020)
NC_001556 Tobacco mild green mosaic virus TMGMV 6,355 722 13.64 76.74
NC_003688 Cucurbit aphid borne yellows virus CABYV 5,669 631,106 6,570.95 99.29
NC_003743.1 Turnip yellows virus TuYV 5,641 56,381 2,307.51 30.79
NC_004611 Tomato leaf curl new Delhi virus ToLCNDV DNA-A 2,739 131,442 4,174.19 100.00
NC_004612 DNA-B 2,696 31,148 1,733.61 75.37
NC_004809.1 Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus CYSDV RNA 1 9,123 5,270 76.00 99.25
NC_004810.1 RNA 2 7,976 13,720 210.78 99.68
E. elaterium (yr 2021)
NC_001556 Tobacco mild green mosaic virus TMGMV 6,355 504 6.66 5.28
NC_003688 Cucurbit aphid borne yellows virus CABYV 5,669 667,898 14,077.18 98.00
NC_003743.1 Turnip yellows virus TuYV 5,641 127,479 1,859.56 28.32
NC_004611 Tomato leaf curl new Delhi virus ToLCNDV DNA-A 2,739 244,070 10,825.60 100.00
NC_004612 DNA-B 2,696 52,938 1,928.22 75.29
NC_004809.1 Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus CYSDV RNA 1 9,123 38,161 548.77 98.85
NC_004810.1 RNA 2 7,976 108,553 1,729.99 99.72
S. nigrum
NC_001616 Potato virus Y PVY 9,704 977,131 6,166.02 98.80
NC_003828.1 Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus TYLCSV 2,773 142 5.62 61.37
NC_020073.2 Moroccan pepper virus MPV 4,772 223 7.24 80.28
NC_034240 Tomato yellow mottle associated virus ToYMaV 13,389 18,933 665.20 9.45
M. sylvestris
MN116683.1 Malva vein clearing virus MVCV 9,659 661,235 5,939.87 96.38
NC_001616 Potato virus Y PVY 9,704 728 10.36 81.20
NC_011058 Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus CpCDV 2,584 5,883 324.41 65.78
NC_025389 Eggplant mottled dwarf virus EMDV 13,100 23,700 220.00 91.71
NC_034240 Tomato yellow mottle-associated virus ToYMaV 13,389 145 7.78 3.89

Number of reads mapped (MP) to the virus genome.


Average depth (AD) of reads mapped to the virus genome.


Percentage (PC) of virus genome covered by the reads.