Rhesus macaques infected with 1918 influenza virus. (A) Study overview of four rhesus macaques infected with 7 × 106 PFU of 1918 influenza virus via intranasal, ocular, oral, and intratracheal routes. Blood, vitals, and swabs were collected on the indicated days postinfection. (B to G) Readouts of infection severity for weight loss (B), respiratory rate (C), rectal temperature (D), heart rate (E), oxygen saturation (SPO2) (F), and clinical score (G). (H to J) Levels of influenza viral genomes were measured by RT-qPCR in nasal swabs (H), throat swabs (I), and rectal swabs (J). Only samples with values above the limit of detection of the assay (9.3 × 102 genome copies) are shown. bpm, beats per minute.