Figure 2.
Pretreatment tissue TCR evenness and top 1% could be better predictors of pathologic response than TMB and PD-L1. A, ROC curve analysis for TMB (square, n = 23), PD-L1 (asterisk, n = 25), evenness (triangle, n = 19), and top 1% (dot, n = 19) determined in pretreatment tissue samples. B, PFS and OS percent survival stratified by pretreatment top 1% clonal space high and low patients (n = 22). C, Correlation between clonal space occupied by top 1% clones and evenness in pretreatment tumor samples (n = 22; CPR, n = 10; non-CPR, n = 9; nonresected, n = 3). D, Correlation between clonal space occupied by the top 1% clones and PD-L1 in pre-T tissue samples (n = 21; CPR, n = 10; non-CPR, n = 8; nonresected, n = 3) and correlation between frequency of the top 1% clones and TMB in pretreatment tissue samples (n = 20; CPR, n = 9; non-CPR, n = 8; nonresected, n = 3). Each patient is represented by a dark gray (CPR), light gray (non-CPR), or white (nonresected) symbol. The black line indicates the linear regression line, and the dotted lines indicate the upper and lower boundaries of the 95% CI.