Figure 3.
Genomic features and the tumor mutational landscape in melanoma patients. A, Mutation in driver genes of patients receiving anti–PD-1 therapy. Top bar plot represents mutational load. Tiled plot shows mutated genes (rows) by sample (columns), with tile color indicating mutation type. The bar plot to the right represents the number of patients with mutations in the specified gene, colored to indicate mutation type. Under the tiled plot, the first line represents therapeutic response, as either response (partial or complete response; dark green; n = 33), or nonresponse (black; n = 18). B, Comparison of TMB in tumors harboring different driver mutations revealed significant variation (KW; P = 0.00012). Values are plotted on log10 scale. C, Comparison of TMB in different melanoma types, and sites of origin revealed significant global variation (KW; P = 0.016), with significant variation found in comparison with melanomas originating in the head and neck. Values are plotted on log10 scale. D, Comparison of TMB in responding versus nonresponding patients revealed significant associations (MMW; P = 0.049). All boxplots in B–D cover the IQR from 25th percentile at their lower bound to the 75th percentile at their upper bound, with median indicated by a horizontal line. The upper whisker includes the largest value within 1.5× IQR above the 75th percentile. The lower whisker includes the smallest value within 1.5× IQR below the 25th percentile.