Figure 1. Brl1 preferentially binds young nuclear pore complexes (NPCs).
(A) Scheme of the NPC architecture. The colors indicate the assembly order as found in Onischenko et al., 2020. Nucleoporins (NUPs) that were reproducibly identified in Brl1 affinity purifications are shown in bold. (B) Schematic illustrating the transient binding of an NPC assembly factor during NPC assembly. (C) Enrichment of Brl1 in affinity pulldowns from Onischenko et al., 2020 using baits from the different assembly tiers. Early and intermediate tiers contain four different baits each; the late tier is represented by Mlp1 with three biological replicates for each bait. (D) Schematic representation of the recombination-induced tag exchange (RITE) strategy to visualize Brl1-mCherry co-localization with old or new NPCs marked by Nup170-yEGFP and the expected NE fluorescence intensity profiles. (E) Representative co-localization images of Brl1-mCherry with old or new Nup170-yEGFP marked NPCs using the RITE strategy described in (D). Cells were imaged ~30 min or ~5 hr after recombination induction, respectively. Fluorescence intensity profiles along the NE are displayed for cells denoted with an asterisk. (F) Pearson’s correlation between Nup170-yEGFP and Brl1-mCherry fluorescence intensity profiles along the NE in (E). Individual points reflect the average of a biological replicate with a minimum of 28 analyzed NE contours per condition. Two-tailed Student’s t-test (n = 5, p-value=0.00015).