Extended Data Fig. 10. RAG-mediated SVs in normal versus malignant lymphocytes.
(A) Point estimates and 95% confidence intervals for the proportion of SVs with RSS (RAG) motifs within 50bp of a breakpoint. (B) Number of SVs with RSS (RAG) motifs within 50bp of a breakpoint. Boxes show the interquartile range and the centre horizontal lines show the median. Whiskers extend to the minimum of either the range or 1.5× the interquartile range. Paediatric samples were excluded. Number of SVs per group: B = 145, T = 841, ALL = 523, Burkitt lymphoma = 305, CLL mutated = 252, CLL unmutated = 440, C. T-cell lymphoma = 204, DLBC lymphoma = 3754, follicular lymphoma = 1095.