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. 2022 Aug 11;9:941477. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.941477


Main characteristics of the study population.

(N = 1,326)
mean (SD) or
N (%)
(N = 1,181)
mean (SD) or
N (%)
Age (years) 58.4 (12.5) 55.4 (11.6)
BMI (kg/m2) 25.7 (4.7) 25.9 (0.187)
Less than primary school 193 (14.6) 137 (11.6)
Primary school 412 (31.1) 403 (34.1)
Secondary school 438 (33.0) 407 (34.5)
University 283 (21.3) 234 (19.8)
Score socioeconomic
Low 357 (27.8) 334 (28.3)
Medium 696 (54.2) 660 (55.9)
High 232 (18.1) 187 (15.8)
Family history of breast cancer
Yes 124 (9.4) 175 (14.8)
No 1,202 (90.6) 1,006 (85.2)
No 1,222 (92.4) 1,104 (93.9)
Yes 100 (7.6) 72 (6.1)
Age at menarche (years) 12.8 (1.6) 12.7 (1.5)
Number of children
Nulliparous 236 (17.8) 243 (20.6)
1–2 children 745 (56.3) 694 (58.8)
3 children or more 342 (25.9) 243 (20.6)
Age at first child
First child < 20 years old 52 (4.8) 46 (4.9)
First child 20–35 years old 957 (88.1) 811 (86.9)
Parous ≥ 35 years old 77 (7.1) 76 (8.1)
Parous without breastfeeding 166 (15.3) 141 (15.5)
Parous breastfeeding for less than 6 months 294 (27.2) 269 (29.6)
Parous breastfeeding for 6–24 months 496 (45.8) 423 (46.5)
Parous breastfeeding for more than 24 months 126 (11.6) 76 (8.4)
Contraceptive use
Never 648 (48.9) 603 (51.1)
Ever 677 (51.1) 577 (48.9)
Menopausal status
Premenopausal 386 (29.1) 436 (36.9)
Postmenopausal 940 (70.9) 745 (63.1)
Hormonal replacement therapy
Never 1,178 (92.0) 1,071 (92.5)
Ever 102 (8.0) 87 (7.5)
Never smoker 778 (58.7) 662 (56.1)
Past smoker 292 (22.0) 311 (26.4)
Current smoker 256 (19.3) 207 (17.5)
Daily alcohol intake (g ethanol) 6.0 (10.1) 6.9 (12.7)
Daily caloric intake (Kcal) 1,717.8 (537.4) 1,831.6 (610.5)
Daily consumption of vegetables and fruits (g) 557.0 (264.4) 555.8 (300.2)
Physical activitya
Inactive 516 (38.9) 500 (42.3)
Poorly active 255 (19.2) 203 (17.2)
Moderately active 167 (12.6) 147 (12.4)
Very active 387 (29.2) 331 (28.0)
Morning 508 (38.8) 426 (36.5)
Intermediate 528 (40.3) 464 (39.7)
Evening 273 (20.9) 278 (23.8)
Sleep duration (hours) 6.9 (1.3) 7.1 (1.3)
Never 9 (0.7) 21 (1.8)
Only weekends 10 (0.8) 6 (0.5)
Only weekdays 20 (1.5) 24 (2.0)
Always 1,279 (97.0) 1,129 (95.7)
Time of breakfast (start time, a.m.) 8.4 (1.4) 8.5 (1.4)
Nighttime fasting duration (hours) 11.0 (1.6) 11.1 (1.6)

BMI, body mass index; N, sample size; SD, standard deviation.

aPhysical activity was classified according to the annual mean of METS h/week. Inactive = 0 METS h/week; poorly active = 0.0001–8 METS h/week; moderately active = 8.0001–16 METS h/week; very active = more than 16.0001 METS h/week.