Table 1.
Major characteristics of the included studies.
No. | Study ID, Country [references] |
No. of Patient | Age (Years), Gender | Confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 | Past Medical History | Severity of COVID-19 | Onset of Encephalitis from COVID-19 Presentation | Neurological and Psychiatric Symptoms | Type of Suspected or Confirmed Encephalitis | Outcome |
1 | Ahsan 2021, USA [20] |
1 | 7, F | Serology test positive (IgG in serum) | Healthy | Asymptomatic | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection | 1st admission: status epilepticus, aphasia, encephalopathy; 2nd admission: headache, encephalopathy, slurred speech, altered mental status | Autoimmune encephalitis | Discharged and follow-up confirmed recovery with mild dysarthria |
2 | Allahyari 2021, Iran [21] |
1 | 18, F | RT-PCR positive | NR | NR | Initial presentation | Altered mental status, tonic-clonic seizures, confused state, minor meningismus, neck stiffness | Autoimmune encephalitis (SARS-CoV-2-mediated anti-NMDAR encephalitis) | Discharged with full recovery |
3 | Andrea 2020, Italy [22] |
1 | 79, F | RT-PCR positive | Rheumatoid arthritis | Mild | Initial presentation | Confusion, somnolence, psychomotor retardation, and cephalea | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Complete recovery in 15 days |
4 | Ayatollahi 2020, Canada [23] |
1 | 18, F | RT-PCR positive | NR | Mild | Initial presentation | Drowsiness and confusion, generalized tonic-clonic seizure, impaired orientation to time and place and recent memory | Autoimmune encephalitis | Near complete resolution of the claustrum hyperintensities following 1 month, no seizures following 7 weeks |
5 | Ayuningtyas 2022, Indonesia [24] | 1 | 34, F | RT-PCR positive | Obese | Severe | Initial presentation | Reduced consciousness, altered mental status aggressive behavior, seizure, headache | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged with full recovery |
6 | Ayuso 2020, Spain [25] |
1 | 72, F | RT-PCR positive | Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, depression, and smoking | NR | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (after 8 days of discharge) | 1st admission: delirium; 2nd admission: dizziness, oscillopsia, inattention, disorientation, unsteadiness, myoclonus, and ataxia |
Autoimmune encephalitis (SARS-CoV-2-mediated Bickerstaff encephalitis) | Discharged; after 2 months, very mild unsteadiness was observed |
7 | Babar 2020, USA [26] |
1 | 20, F | RT-PCR positive | Obesity and anxiety |
Mild | Initial presentation | Acute altered mental status, confusion, ageusia, insomnia, hypervigilance, obsessive thinking, and urinary incontinence | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Near complete resolution of the neurological symptoms after 12 days of discharge |
8 | Benameur 2020, USA [27] |
3 | 31, F | RT-PCR positive | Sickle cell disease | Severe | Initial presentation | Various neurologic manifestations including myoclonus, affected brainstem reflexes, and encephalopathy | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Died |
34, M | Hypertension | Initial presentation | NR | |||||||
64, M | Hypertension | Initial presentation | Discharged without major neurologic sequelae | |||||||
9 | Bernard-Valnet 2020, Switzerland [28] |
2 | 64, F | RT-PCR positive | NR | Mild | Initial presentation | Tonic-clonic seizure, disorientation, strong attention deficit, verbal and motor perseverations and bilateral grasping, hyper-religiosity with mystic delusions, visual hallucinations, and non-convulsive status epilepticus |
SARS-CoV-2-mediated meningoencephalitis | Resolution of her symptoms after 96 h of admission |
67, F | RT-PCR positive | NR | Mild | Initial presentation | Intense headache, drowsiness, confusion, motor perseverations, bilateral grasping, and aggressiveness |
SARS-CoV-2-mediated meningoencephalitis | Discharged after 72 h without major neurologic symptoms | |||
10 | Bhavsar 2020, USA [29] |
1 | 16, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Mild | Initial presentation | Initially intermittent headache; day 11: confusion, incoherent speech, seizure, and altered mental status, with inconsistent awareness of time and place | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged after day 15 with improved mental status |
11 | Bodro 2020, Spain [30] |
2 | 25, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | NR | Initial presentation | Headache, left-side paresthesia and ipsilateral paresis, progressing to confusion and agitation | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Fully recovered within 2 days except for amnesia |
49, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Mild | Initial presentation | Anomic aphasia, disorientation, confusion, and agitation | Fully recovered within 3 days except for amnesia | ||||
12 | Burr 2021, USA [31] |
1 | 23 months, F | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | NR | Initial presentation | Initial: fussiness, poor sleep; day 9: seizure, hyperkinetic movements, and mood lability | Autoimmune encephalitis (SARS-CoV-2-mediated anti-NMDAR encephalitis) | Discharged and fully recovered after 2 weeks |
13 | Cao 2020, France [32] |
5 | 49, M | RT-PCR positive | Rheumatoid purpura |
Severe | Initial presentation | Headache and anosmia | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Improvement after 6 days of immunotherapy |
56, M | RT-PCR positive | Hypertension | Severe | Initial presentation | Improvement after 2 days of immunotherapy | |||||
61, M | RT-PCR positive | Pulmonary sarcoidosis and thrombocytopenia | Severe | Initial presentation | Improvement after 7 days of immunotherapy | |||||
37, M | RT-PCR positive | Obesity | Severe | Initial presentation | Died | |||||
77, F | RT-PCR positive | Obesity, hypertension and asthma | Severe | Initial presentation | Vegetative state | |||||
14 | Casez 2021, France [33] |
1 | 96, F | RT-PCR positive | NR | NR | Initial presentation | At onset: anosmia, dysgeusia; day 3: generalized epileptic seizures, and left hemiparesis | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | NR |
15 | Chalil 2020, Canada [34] |
1 | 48, F | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Severe | Initial presentation | Altered mental status | SARS-CoV-2-mediated acute hemorrhagic encephalitis | During the report, she was undergoing rehabilitation |
16 | Cheraghali 2021, Iran [35] | 1 | 34 months, child | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | NR | Initial presentation | Tonic-clonic seizures, and loss of consciousness | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged with decerebrate posture |
17 | Dahshan 2022, Egypt [36] | 1 | 67, M | RT-PCR positive | Hypertension | NR | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (8 days after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Acute confusion state, behavioral changes, agitation, and one attack of loss of consciousness | Autoimmune encephalitis | Discharged with full recovery |
18 | Dono 2021, Italy [37] |
1 | 81, M | RT-PCR positive | Mild hypertension | NR | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (on day 14 during her hospitalization for COVID-19 infection) | Since day 14: mild confusion with fluctuation of the mental status; day 16: myoclonic jerks and non-convulsive status epilepticus with coma |
Suspected autoimmune encephalitis | Died |
19 | Duong 2020 and Huang 2020, USA [38,39] |
1 | 41, F | RT-PCR positive | T2DM and obesity | NR | Initial presentation | Seizure, lethargy, disorientation, agitation, and hallucination |
SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Mental status improved by hospital day 12 |
20 | Durovic 2021, Germany [40] | 1 | 22, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | NR | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (10 days after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Severe headache, neck stiffness, general weakness, and a loss of smell and taste | Autoimmune encephalitis | Discharged with full recovery |
21 | Efe 2020, Turkey [41] |
1 | 35, F | RT-PCR positive | NR | NR | Initial presentation | Headache, nausea, dizziness, and drug-refractory seizures |
SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | NR |
22 | El Aoud 2021, France [42] |
1 | 60, M | Serology test positive | Dyslipidemia | Mild | Initial presentation | Headache, disturbance of consciousness, and vertigo | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged and recovered after 1 month |
23 | Elmouhib 2022, Morocco [43] | 1 | 54, F | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Severe | Initial presentation | Altered mental state, dyspnea, altered consciousness | SARS-CoV-2-mediated autoimmune limbic encephalitis | Discharged with improved state |
24 | Esmaeili 2022, Iran [44] | 1 | 67, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Severe | Initial presentation | Drowsiness, decreased level of consciousness, deep tendon reflexes were brisk, and plantar reflexes were upward |
Acute disseminated encephalitis | Died |
25 | Etemadifar 2020, Iran [45] |
1 | 51, M | RT-PCR positive | Hypothyroidism and migraine | Mild | Initial presentation | For 3 days, episodic headache, nausea, and drowsiness, and generalized tonic-clonic seizure | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Died |
26 | Ferdosian 2021, Iran [46] | 1 | 7, M | RT-PCR positive | Controlled seizures | Mild | Initial presentation | Loss of consciousness, inability to speak | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged with supportive treatment |
27 | Freire-Álvarez 2020, Spain [47] | 1 | 39, M | RT-PCR positive | NR | Mild | Initial presentation | Drowsiness, mental disorientation, inconsistent language disorder, and headache | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Following intravenous immunoglobulins and cytokine blockade with IL-6 receptor antagonist, the patient fully recovered after 30 days from admission |
28 | Gaughan 2021, Ireland [48] |
1 | 16, F | RT-PCR positive | Mild learning disability | Asymptomatic | Initial presentation | Visual and auditory hallucinations, cognitive difficulties, and high-frequency tremor |
Autoimmune encephalitis | Discharged; at six months, showed significant improvements |
29 | Ghosh 2020, India [49] |
1 | 44, F | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | NR | Initial presentation | For 10 days: hypogeusia, hyposmia; then, confusion, disorientation, cognitive disorders, apraxia; then, tonic-clonic seizure and coma |
SARS-CoV-2-mediated AHNE | Died |
30 | Grimaldi 2020, France [50] |
1 | 72, M | RT-PCR positive | Transient global amnesia | Mild | Initial presentation | Since day 17: action tremor, ataxia, dysarthria, and upper limb dysmetria and myoclonus |
Autoimmune encephalitis | Improved and discharged at day 37 |
31 | Gunawardhana 2021, Sri Lanka [51] | 1 | 47, F | RT-PCR positive | Uncomplicated T2DM | Mild | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (4 weeks after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Confusion and abnormal behavior, seizures, status epilepticus | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged to home with only minor residual cognitive deficits |
32 | Haider 2020, USA [52] |
1 | 66, M | RT-PCR positive | Benign prostatic hypertrophy, fatty liver disease, and hypertension |
NR | Initial presentation | Seizure; impaired orientation to time, place, and person; and persistent confusion | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Two months post-discharge, the patient showed significant improvements following rituximab |
33 | Hassan 2021, Pakistan [53] | 1 | 58, M | RT-PCR positive | Hypertension | Severe | Initial presentation | Acute chorea | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged |
34 | Hayashi 2020, Japan [54] |
1 | 75, M | RT-PCR positive | Mild Alzheimer’s disease |
Severe | Initial presentation | Left-dominant kinetic tremor in hands, alerted consciousness, dysmetria, ataxia, disorientation, and mild gait disturbance | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Died |
35 | Kahwagi 2021, Senegal [55] |
1 | 7, F | RT-PCR positive | NR | Mild | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (On day 6 during her hospitalization) |
Initial: headache; day 6: generalized tonic-clonic seizures; day 9: gait and behavioral disturbance, confusional syndrome, osteotendinous, and hyperreflexia | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Complete recovery over the follow-up of 2 months |
36 | Kamal 2020, United Arab Emirates [56] |
1 | 31, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Mild | Initial presentation | Day 3, behavioral disturbance; day 5: altered mental state, acute behavioral changes, severe confusion, fluctuations in the level of consciousness, and drowsiness | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged; further follow-up confirmed good condition |
37 | Kasturiarachi 2022, USA [57] | 1 | 19, F | RT-PCR positive | Menorrhagia, learning disability, and remote suicidal ideation | NR | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (recent infection) | Headaches, vomiting, and psychosis, left gaze deviation and right hemiplegia, unable to follow commands or open her eyes spontaneously, seizures, hyperreflexia in the right upper and lower extremities, no hyperkinetic movements |
Sjogren’s-associated encephalitis | Discharged with improved mental status but needed to be monitored closely as an outpatient |
38 | Khoo 2020, UK [58] |
1 | 65, F | RT-PCR positive | Alzheimer’s disease, osteoarthritis, and gastro-esophageal reflex disease |
Mild | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (2 weeks after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Week 2: widespread involuntary movements, diplopia, cognitive decline, speaking difficulties, increasing confusion; at entry: myoclonus, ocular movement disorder, aphasia, and perseveration | Autoimmune encephalitis | Discharged with improved neurological symptoms; back to baseline after 1 month from onset |
39 | Kimura 2021, Japan [59] | 1 | 68, F | RT-PCR positive | Hypertension | NR | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (2 weeks after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Her eyes were fixed in position and complete flaccid paralysis with diminished tendon reflexes in all extremities; no pathological reflex | Autoimmune encephalitis (SARS-CoV-2-mediated Bickerstaff encephalitis) | Discharged with residual double vision and bilateral disturbance in abduction |
40 | Koh 2022, Republic of Korea [60] | 1 | 20, F | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Moderate | Initial presentation | Tonic-clonic seizure On her left face and arm, drowsy mentality, personality change, dizziness, and somnolence |
Suspected autoimmune encephalitis | Discharged with near-complete recovery |
41 | Kumar 2020, India [61] |
1 | 35, M | RT-PCR positive | Headache | NR | Initial presentation | 10 days before: headache; at entry: coma | SARS-CoV-2-mediated ANE | Died |
42 | Kumar 2022, India [62] | 1 | 9 days, neonate | RT-PCR positive | Respiratory distress, hypoxia |
NR | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (MRI done after 42 days of illness) | Generalized hypotonia generalized seizures | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged with tachypnoea without hypoxia |
43 | Marques 2022, Portugal [63] | 2 | 49, F | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | NR | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (6 days after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Altered mental status, lethargic, not oriented to time and place, could not follow commands, neck rigidity, amnesia | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Two months post discharge, she was doing well, with no neurological signs and symptoms |
50, F | RT-PCR positive | Depression | NR | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (8 days after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Restless, sometimes physically aggressive, mutism | Three months post discharge, she was doing well with no neurological signs and symptoms | ||||
44 | McAbee 2020, USA [11] |
1 | 11, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Asymptomatic | Initial presentation | Status epilepticus | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Recovered within 6 days |
45 | Mekheal 2022, USA [64] | 1 | 88, F | NR | Hypertension | NR | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (2 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Right leg weakness, dysarthria, altered mental status | Autoimmune encephalitis | NR |
46 | Meshref 2021, Egypt [65] | 1 | 66, F | RT-PCR positive | Chronic bronchitis and ischemic heart disease | NR | Initial presentation | Delirious state, confusion, fluctuant conscious level, and disorientation | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged home with full consciousness, no neurological deficits |
47 | Mierzewska-Schmidt 2022, Poland [66] | 1 | 2 months, Boy | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | NR | Initial presentation | Irritability, nystagmus, agitation then apathy | SARS-CoV-2-mediated AHNE | The baby showed signs of brain death |
48 | Miqdad 2021, Saudi Arabia [67] | 1 | 36, M | RT-PCR positive | Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency | NR | Initial presentation | Cognitive impairment and decreased responsiveness | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged home with regular follow-up in the neurology clinic |
49 | Monti 2020, Italy [68] |
1 | 50, M | RT-PCR positive | Mild hypertension | Asymptomatic | Initial presentation | Confabulations and delirious ideas; day 4: impaired awareness and status epilepticus | Autoimmune encephalitis | Discharged after 4 months of hospitalization without neurological deficits |
50 | Moriguchi 2020, Japan [17] |
1 | 24, M | RT-PCR positive | NR | Mild | Initial presentation | Headache, consciousness disturbance, generalized seizures, and status epilepticus | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | NR |
51 | Morvan 2020, France [69] |
1 | 56, M | RT-PCR positive | Malnutrition, renal lithiasis with left renal abscess and Mycobacterium abscessus pulmonary infection |
NR | Initial presentation | Coma | SARS-CoV-2-mediated ANE | Died |
52 | Mullaguri 2021, USA [70] | 2 | 77, F | RT-PCR positive | Parkinson’s disease, cognitive impairment, and hypertension | Severe | Initial presentation | Oriented to self but not to place or time | SARS-CoV-2-mediated AHNE | Died |
68, F | RT-PCR positive | Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and hypertension |
Severe | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (5 days after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Comatose, persistent severe encephalopathy | Died | ||||
53 | Natarajan 2020, India [10] |
1 | 13, F | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Mild | Initial presentation | Headache and generalized tonic-clonic seizure | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged home in a normal neurological state |
54 | Oosthuizen 2021, South Africa [71] | 1 | 52, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | NR | Initial presentation | Multidirectional gaze-evoked nystagmus, dysarthria, and truncal and appendicular ataxia | SARS-CoV-2 mediated encephalitis | Discharged while walking independently, mild emotional lability persisted |
55 | Orsini 2021, Brazil [72] | 1 | 52, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Severe | Initial presentation | Intense agitation, cognitive impairment, tonic-clonic seizure | SARS-CoV-2 mediated encephalitis | Died |
56 | Panariello 2020, Ecuador [73] |
1 | 23, M | NR | Healthy | Moderate | Initial presentation | Psychomotor agitation, anxiety, thought disorganization, persecutory delusions, dyskinesias and auditory hallucinations | Autoimmune encephalitis | Clinical condition improved |
57 | Picod 2020, France [74] |
1 | 58, F | Serology test positive | Hypertension and chronic kidney disease | Asymptomatic | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection | Clonic seizure, aphasia, right-side hemiparesis, coma, and myoclonus | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged from intensive care unit on day 17, with mild short-term memory impairment |
58 | Pilotto 2020, Italy [75] |
1 | 60, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Mild | Initial presentation | First 5 days: irritability, confusion, and asthenia; day 4–5: cognitive fluctuation, at entry: severe akinetic syndrome, mutism, and inhibited, archaic reflexes | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged with normal neurological features |
59 | Pizzanelli 2021, Italy [76] |
1 | 74, F | RT-PCR positive | Mild hypothyroidism | Severe | Initial presentation | Day 13: mild confusion and brief episode of impaired awareness; day 14: generalized tonic-clonic seizure |
SARS-CoV-2-mediated autoimmune limbic encephalitis | Discharged on day 35 |
60 | Poursadeghfard 2021, Iran [77] | 1 | 18, F | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | NR | Initial presentation | Blurred vision, drowsy | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | NR |
61 | Rebeiz 2020, USA [78] |
1 | 30 s, M | RT-PCR positive | History of alcohol abuse | Asymptomatic | Initial presentation | 1st admission: confusion, behavioral changes, psychotic features including hallucinations; 2nd admission: worsened mental status, non-verbal, progressive neurological deterioration, and seizures | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Died |
62 | Reddy 2021, USA [79] |
1 | 22, F | RT-PCR positive | Infantile seizures |
Asymptomatic | Initial presentation | 2 days of headache; at entry: acute altered mental status; while hospitalized: status epilepticus |
SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Died |
63 | Sangare 2020, France [80] |
1 | 56, M | RT-PCR positive | Hypertension | Severe | Initial presentation | Vegetative state | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged after 5.5 months, with mild attention deficit disorder |
64 | Sarmast 2022, Pakistan [81] | 1 | 63, F | RT-PCR positive | Hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus | NR | Initial presentation | Confusion accompanied by restlessness, fearfulness, and visual hallucinations. She was anxious, agitated, and aggressive. Altered level of consciousness, slight tremors of the limbs, and psychomotor restlessness | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Two weeks post discharge, she was doing well, with no neurological signs and symptoms |
65 | Sattar 2020, Pakistan [82] |
1 | 44, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Moderate | Initial presentation | Day 20: generalized tonic-clonic seizures and confusion | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged on day 34 with normal neurological state |
66 | Sharma 2022, USA [83] | 3 | 43, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Mild | Initial presentation | Bitemporal headache, tonic-clonic seizures, | Self-limiting hemorrhagic encephalitis | Discharged with occasional headaches |
43, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Severe | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (5 days after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Non-verbal, and had an episode of rapid eye fluttering and gaze deviation, acute respiratory distress syndrome |
Self-limiting leukoencephalopathy | Discharged but complained about recurrent headaches | |||
52, M | RT-PCR positive | Diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia | Severe | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (3 weeks after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Bifrontal headache, blurred vision, left- and right-sided ptosis, ischemic third and sixth nerve palsy |
SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged with assistance. No light perception in the left eye with complete ophthalmoplegia, intact vision in the right eye with ptosis | |||
67 | Sofijanova 2020, Republic of Macedonia [84] |
1 | 9 months, infant | RT-PCR positive | NR | Severe | Initial presentation | Tonic-clonic seizures, disturbed consciousness, shortness of breath, weakened reaction to painful stimuli | NR | NR |
68 | Svedung Wettervik 2020, Sweden [85] |
1 | 40′s, F | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Severe | Initial presentation | Coma | SARS-CoV-2-mediated AHLE | After TPE treatment for 5 days, patient showed clinical and biochemical improvements |
69 | Tee 2022, Malaysia [86] | 1 | 69, M | RT-PCR positive | Hypertension and atrial fibrillation | NR | Initial presentation | Altered behavior | SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Subsequently remained well, with no neurological sequelae |
70 | Urso 2022, Italy [87] | 1 | 5, F | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | NR | Initial presentation | Neck swelling, right latero-cervical and painful lymphadenopathy, altered mental status, and drowsiness |
SARS-CoV-2-mediated encephalitis | Discharged when COVID-19 test came back negative |
71 | Valadez-Calderon 2022, Mexico [88] | 1 | 28, M | NR | No history of chronic disease |
Mild | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (2 weeks after SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Incoherent speech, somnolence, auditory hallucinations, suicidal ideation, and generalized tonic-clonic seizures |
Autoimmune encephalitis (anti-NMDAR and anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 co-expression) | Discharged home, but after six weeks-follow-up, he continues physical rehabilitation and presents neurological sequelae related to mood changes, irritability, and agitation episodes |
72 | Vandervorst 2020, Belgium [89] |
1 | 29, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Moderate | Initial presentation | Confusion, disorientation in time and space, immediate and short-term memory deficits, concentration and attention difficulties, anxiety, paranoid delusions, followed by dysgeusia and anosmia |
Suspected SARS-CoV-2-associated encephalitis | Improved during hospitalization |
73 | Woldie 2020, Canada [90] |
1 | 24, M | RT-PCR positive | AIHA | Severe | Post-SARS-CoV-2 infection (one week later at his follow-up appointment) | Persistent headache, decreased level of consciousness, and seizure activity. | SARS-CoV-2-mediated ANE | Died |
74 | Ye 2020, China [91] |
1 | NR, M | RT-PCR positive | NR | Moderate | Initial presentation | Confusion, altered consciousness | SARS-CoV-2 associated encephalitis | Discharged with cleared consciousness |
75 | Zambreanu 2020, UK [92] |
1 | 66, F | RT-PCR positive | NR | Mild | Initial presentation | Confusion, seizure, disoriented to time and place, amnestic and mild word-finding difficulties |
Limbic encephalitis | Neurological recovery |
76 | Zandifar 2020, Iran [93] |
2 | 49, M | Not performed | NR | Severe | Initial presentation | Seizures; disorientation to place, time, and persons; and decrease of consciousness | Suspected SARS-CoV-2 associated encephalitis | Died |
39, M | RT-PCR positive | Moderate | Disoriented, agitated headache, tonic seizure, decreased consciousness and non-responsive verbal or painful commands | SARS-CoV-2 associated encephalitis | ||||||
77 | Zanin 2021, Italy [12] |
1 | 47, M | RT-PCR positive | Healthy | Mild | Initial presentation | Intense headache, epileptic seizures | SARS-CoV-2 associated encephalitis | Died |
78 | Zuhorn 2020, Germany [94] |
1 | 54, M | RT-PCR positive | Arterial hypertension, obesity (BMI 34 kg/m2), obstructive sleep apnea syndrome | Moderate | Initial presentation | Aggressiveness, Disorientation, and stupor |
Parainfectious encephalitis | Recovered and was discharged with only mild cognitive impairment |
Abbreviations: NR: not reported, M: male, F: female, T2DM: type 2 diabetes mellitus, AHLE: acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis, AIHA: autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), TPA: tissue plasminogen activator, AHNE: acute hemorrhagic necrotizing encephalitis, ANE: acute necrotizing encephalitis.