Architectural criteria (mandatory, major)
Lentiginous or contiguous melanocytic hyperplasia |
Poor circumscription of the intraepidermal melanocytic component of the lesion |
Focal melanocytic atypia |
Increased number of melanocytes, solitary and in nests, within and above the epidermal basal cell layer and within adnexal epithelia (pagetoid spreading) |
Marked variation in size and shape of the melanocytic nests |
Absence of maturation of melanocytes with descent into the dermis |
Melanocytes in mitosis |
Architectural criteria (minor, at least 2)
“Shoulder phenomenon” |
Melanocytes with nuclear atypia |
Fusion of epithelial cones |
Necrosis or degeneration of melanocytes |
Subepidermal concentric lamellar fibrosis |