Modulation of DN1ps by dopamine enhances sleep. (A) Average sleep profile of male flies in which Dop1R2 was mutated in the DN1ps (red) and controls (gray and black). Error bars represent SEM. Background colors indicate 4× 6-h periods that were quantified in B. (B) Quantification of sleep separated into four different time zones, as follows: morning (ZT21 to ZT3), siesta (ZT3 to ZT9), evening (ZT9 to ZT15), and night (ZT15 to ZT21). Removing Dop1R2 in the DN1ps significantly reduced sleep during the siesta (one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey test shows significant differences between EXP and both controls, P < 0.01 each), whereas other times of day were not affected. (C) Average sleep profile of male flies in which Dop1R2 and Dop1R1 were mutated in the DN1ps (red) and controls (gray and black). Error bars represent SEM. Background colors indicate 4× 6-h periods that were quantified in D. (D) Quantification of sleep separated into four different time zones. Removing Dop1R2 and Dop1R1 in the DN1ps significantly reduced sleep during the siesta (P < 0.01), whereas other times of day were not affected. n.s., not significant. (E and F) Flies with mutated Dop1R1 and Dop1R2 in the DN1ps (Exp) have rhythmicity the same as controls (E) and no effect in free-running period (F) when recorded in DD compared to both controls (clk4.1M > Cas9 [black] and clk4.1M > DopiR1-g, Dop1R2-g [gray]).