Fig. 3.
Colonization dynamics of subtropical East Asian caves in relation to paleogeoclimate and vegetation changes. (A) Immigration rates of subtropical East Asian caves based on the maximum number of observed immigration events (MIE) per Myr (modified from SI Appendix, Fig. S5). Arrowheads indicate estimated change points. (B) Schematic representation of the topography of the Tibet-Himalaya-Hengduan region and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in two phases, from the Oligocene to the present. Red circles show sites from which data were used to estimate the paleoelevations (see SI Appendix, Table S5 for details). (C) Global temperature inferred from δ18O levels in benthic foraminifera (25), modeled mean annual precipitation at idealized CO2 levels (32), suitable area (grid cell) dynamics of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaf forests, and the floristic turnover in subtropical East Asia since 40 Ma (23).