Fig. 2.
Angiotensin-II decreases bacterial growth in peritoneal and blood cultures in an AT1R-dependent manner 48-h after CLP. (Top) Images display representative peritoneal culture plates from each of the treatment groups. (Middle) Graphs display bacterial counts in treatment groups and T0 mice. The y axis displays bacterial counts on a natural log scale. Dots represent individual mice, horizontal bars represent group median, box height represents interquartile range, error bars represent range. Asterisks indicate the (multiple comparison-adjusted) P values vs. the control (vehicle) group as follows: ns, P > 0.05; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.005; ***P < 0.0005. White boxes below each box display the overall group mean. (Bottom) Table summarizes interventions for each graph column. Abbreviations: A-II, angiotensin-II; IP, intraperitoneal; Ln(CFUs), natural log of colony forming units; Losar, losartan.