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. 2022 Aug 9;19(16):9802. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19169802

Table 9.

The impact of shift work on the family life of respondents and the problems of sleep disorders.

Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) p # Insomnia Risk +
Clinical Insomnia (vs. Norm)
Clinical Insomnia (vs. Norm)
Norm Insomnia Risk Clinical Insomnia
N % N % N %
Do you think that shift work has an impact on family life? OR (95% CI) p * OR (95% CI) p *
Moderately negative 20 30.77% 33 50.77% 12 18.46% 0.1770 1.00 - 1.00 -
Moderately positive 1 33.33% 2 66.67% 0 0.00% 0.89 (0.08–10.38) 0.9252 N/A N/A
Definitely negative 10 23.81% 19 45.24% 13 30.95% 1.42 (0.59–3.44) 0.4349 2.17 (0.73–6.46) 0.1651
Has no effect 9 56.25% 4 25.00% 3 18.75% 0.35 (0.11–1.06) 0.0629 0.56 (0.13–2.47) 0.4394
Do you think that working in a shift system has an impact on lowering sexual activity?
Yes 20 28.17% 33 46.48% 18 25.35% 0.5184 1.00 - 1.00 -
No 15 42.86% 14 40.00% 6 17.14% 0.52 (0.22–1.22) 0.1330 0.44 (0.14–1.39) 0.1636
I have no opinion 5 25.00% 11 55.00% 4 20.00% 1.18 (0.38–3.67) 0.7793 0.89 (0.21–3.83) 0.8744
Do you think that working in a shift system has an impact on lowering immunity and the occurrence of more frequent infections?
Yes, several times a year 18 25.35% 35 49.30% 18 25.35% 0.3660 1.00 - 1.00 -
Yes, once a year 7 29.17% 13 54.17% 4 16.67% 0.83 (0.29–2.31) 0.7139 0.57 (0.14–2.30) 0.4305
No 6 46.15% 5 38.46% 2 15.38% 0.40 (0.12–1.34) 0.1352 0.33 (0.06–1.88) 0.2129
I do not know 9 50.00% 5 27.78% 4 22.22% 0.34 (0.12–0.99) 0.0474 0.44 (0.12–1.71) 0.2380
Do you think that shift work has an impact on social life?
Moderately negative 21 37.50% 25 44.64% 10 17.86% 0.2449 1.00 - 1.00 -
Moderately positive 1 50.00% 1 50.00% 0 0.00% 0.72 (0.04–10.11) 0.7230 N/A N/A
Definitely negative 12 25.00% 20 41.67% 16 33.33% 1.80 (0.77–4.20) 0.1744 2.80 (0.97–8.10) 0.0573
Has no effect 6 30.00% 12 60.00% 2 10.00% 1.40 (0.47–4.20) 0.5484 0.70 (0.12–4.10) 0.6927
Do you drink coffee/strong tea?
No 3 23.08% 4 30.77% 6 46.15% 0.1258 1.00 - 1.00 -
Yes 37 32.74% 54 47.79% 22 19.47% 0.62 (0.16–2.37) 0.4817 0.30 (0.07–1.31) 0.1089
Do you see a relationship with the amount of coffee/strong tea drunk with night duty?
No 28 40.00% 29 41.43% 13 18.57% 0.0755 1.00 - 1.00 -
Yes 12 21.43% 29 51.79% 15 26.79% 2.44 (1.10–5.43) 0.0281 2.69 (0.99–7.35) 0.0533
Do you smoke cigarettes?
Yes 6 37.50% 6 37.50% 4 0.25 0.2324 1.00 - 1.00 -
I was smoking but currently not 1 8.33% 6 50.00% 5 0.4167 6.6 (0.67–64.77) 0.1053 7.50 (0.62–90.65) 0.1130
I do not smoke 33 33.67% 46 46.94% 19 0.1939 0.18 (0.40–3.53) 0.7650 0.86 (0.22–3.45) 0.8357
Do you see the relationship between the number of cigarettes smoked on days and the night duty?
Yes 2 12.50% 9 56.25% 5 0.3125 0.3249 1.00 - 1.00 -
No 8 36.36% 8 36.36% 6 0.2727 0.25 (0.05–1.39) 0.1136 0.30 (0.04–2.11) 0.2267
Not applicable 30 34.09% 41 46.59% 17 0.1932 0.28 (0.06–1.30) 0.1028 0.23 (0.04–1.30) 0.0954
Do you drink alcohol?
Several times a month 9 39.13% 9 39.13% 5 21.74% 0.4685 1.00 - 1.00 -
Occasionally 22 29.33% 39 52.00% 14 18.67% 1.55 (0.59–4.10) 0.3787 1.15 (0.32–4.13) 0.8356
I do not drink 9 32.14% 10 35.71% 9 32.14% 1.36 (0.43–4.30) 0.6038 1.80 (0.43–7.53) 0.4209
Is there a relationship between the amount of alcohol drunk and shift work?
Yes 1 10.00% 6 60.00% 3 30.00% 0.4741 1.00 - 1.00 -
No 23 31.08% 35 47.30% 16 21.62% 0.25 (0.03–2.06) 0.1961 0.23 (0.02–2.44) 0.2231
Not applicable 16 38.10% 17 40.48% 9 21.43% 0.18 (0.02–1.56) 0.1200 0.19 (0.02–2.08) 0.1727
Do you drink high-energy fluids?
Several times a month 3 25.00% 6 50.00% 3 25.00% 0.8640 1.00 - 1.00 -
I do not drink 37 32.46% 52 45.61% 25 21.93% 0.69 (0.18–2.71) 0.5993 0.68 (0.13–6.62) 0.6472
Do you see a relationship with the amount of high-energy fluids drunk with night duty?
Yes 1 14.29% 4 57.14% 2 28.57% 0.7462 1.00 - 1.00 -
No 10 30.30% 17 51.52% 6 18.18% 0.38 (0.04–3.61) 0.4022 0.30 (0.02–4.06) 0.3650
Not applicable 29 33.72% 37 43.02% 20 23.26% 0.33 (0.04–2.85) 0.3121 0.35 (0.03–407) 0.3976
Do you take any drugs to help you fall asleep?
No 40 36,70% 51 46,79% 18 16,51% <0.0001 1.00 - 1.00 -
Yes 0 0.00% 7 41,18% 10 58,82% N/A N/A N/A N/A

N—number of respondents; %—percent; p #—statistical significance of the Chi square test; p *—statistical significance of univariate logistic regression; OR—odds ratio; 95% CI—95% confidence interval; N/A—Not Applicable.