Fission yeast Ckb1 modulates the catalytic activity of Cka1. (A) Cka1 (2 pmol) was used to phosphorylate fission yeast PC4 (500 ng) in the presence of increasing amounts of fission yeast Ckb1 (0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 pmol; lanes 2–7, respectively); – indicates an assay without Cka1 and + indicates the assays with the addition of Cka1. (B) Signals of each lane from (A) were quantified and plotted using the Image J software. (C) CK2α (2 pmol) from X. laevis was used to phosphorylate fission yeast PC4 in the presence of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 pmol of X. laevis CK2β (lanes 1–3). Lane 4 contains fission yeast PC4 and CK2β; – indicates a control without enzymes and + indicates the assays with the addition of Cka1. (D) Signals of each lane from (C) were quantified and plotted using the Image J software; – indicates assays without Cka1, but in the presence of PC4; **** indicates p < 0.0001.