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. 2022 Aug 11;10:929754. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.929754

Table 1.

Social-demographic Distribution of the Respondents (N = 403).

Variables Frequency Percent (%)
Age 20–24 10 2.5
25–29 168 41.7
30–34 164 40.7
35–39 40 9.9
40 and above 21 5.2
Sex Male 363 90.1
Female 40 9.9
Resident Urban 338 83.9
Rural 65 16.1
Religion Orthodox 90 22.3
Protestant 239 59.3
Muslim 49 12.2
Waqefata and othersa 25 6.2
Ethnicity Oromo 372 92.3
Amh2ara 12 3.0
Guraghe & othersb 19 4.7
Marital status Single 135 33.5
Married 268 66.5
Educational status Diploma 23 5.7
BSc Degree 172 42.7
Master Degree 152 37.7
Doctorate Degree and or above 56 13.9
Family size <5 350 86.8
>=5 53 13.2
Monthly income 1,651–3,200 Ethiopia birr 6 1.5
3,201–5,250 Ethiopia birr 35 8.7
5,251–7,800 Ethiopia birr 137 34.0
7,801–10,900 Ethiopia birr 138 34.2
>=1,0900 Ethiopia birr 87 21.6
Work experience in years < =10 307 76.2
>10 96 23.8
Place of work Hospital 91 22.6
Health center 94 23.3
Academic staff 116 28.8
Private 13 3.2
Othersc 13 3.2
Health offices 16 18.9
Professional category Nurse 99 24.6
Midwifery 30 7.4
Medical doctor 24 6.0
Medical laboratory 7 1.7
Pharmacy 18 4.5
Psychiatry 6 1.5
Environmental health 6 1.5
Public health 198 49.1
Othersd 15 3.7

Hindu, Apostolic Christian;


Burjii, Sidama, India;


Non-Governmental Organization, Blood bank;


Integrated Emergency surgery and Obstetric (IESO), Health Education and Anesthesia.